Mastering Prospect Opportunity Feature for Optimized Sales


Welcome to the guide for the Prospect Opportunity Feature in Empress. This feature is an integral part of the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module, designed to help you track, manage, and optimize your business opportunities. By using this feature, you can monitor the progress of each opportunity, understand its potential value, track the responsible deal owner, and much more.

Primary Functions & Benefits

Here are the main functions of the Prospect Opportunity Feature:

  1. View Opportunities - This feature allows you to view the details of each opportunity, including the expected closing date, the stage of the opportunity, and the probability of closing the deal.

  2. Edit Opportunity Details - You can edit the details of each opportunity, such as the expected deal amount, the deal owner, and the contact person for the opportunity.

  3. Sort Opportunities - The feature enables you to sort your opportunities based on different criteria, such as the stage, the deal owner, and the last modified date.

  4. Track Opportunities - With the Prospect Opportunity feature, you can easily track the progress of each opportunity over time.

Navigating the User Interface

Here’s how you can use the Prospect Opportunity Feature:

  1. Viewing Opportunities - To view your opportunities, navigate to the CRM module and select the ‘Opportunity’ link. You’ll see a list of all your opportunities with key details displayed in the list view.

  2. Editing Opportunity Details - To edit an opportunity, click on the opportunity you want to edit. In the detailed view, you can edit fields like ‘Amount’, ‘Deal Owner’, and 'Contact Person. Click ‘Save’ after making your changes.

  3. Sorting Opportunities - To sort your opportunities, click on the ‘Sort’ button at the top of the opportunity list. You can choose to sort your opportunities by ‘Stage’, ‘Deal Owner’, or ‘Last Modified’.

  4. Tracking Opportunities - The ‘Probability’ field allows you to track the likelihood of each opportunity closing successfully. You can update this field as the opportunity progresses.

User Roles and Permissions

The Prospect Opportunity Feature in Empress is accessible and editable by users with the ‘Sales Manager’ and ‘Sales User’ roles. These users can view, edit, sort, and track opportunities. Other roles may have view-only permissions or no access, depending on your organization’s Empress settings.


The Prospect Opportunity Feature enhances business processes by providing a comprehensive tool for managing business opportunities. By effectively using this feature, businesses can better track potential sales, manage customer relationships, and optimize sales strategies.

For further assistance or more information, please refer to the Empress User Guide or contact our support team. We hope this guide helps you make the most of the Prospect Opportunity Feature in Empress. Happy selling!