Mastering Purchase Invoice Management in Empress


Welcome to your guide on managing Purchase Invoices in Empress. This feature allows you to create, track, and manage invoices sent by your suppliers, making it an essential tool for smooth business operations.

Why are Purchase Invoices Important?

A Purchase Invoice is a document you receive from your suppliers. It details the payment you owe for purchased goods or services. This tool is the opposite of a Sales Invoice, where you bill your customers for products or services sold.

Understanding and effectively using Purchase Invoices in Empress can help you better manage your expenses, track your debts, and maintain solid relationships with your suppliers.

Getting Started: Prerequisites

Before you create a Purchase Invoice, ensure you have these details ready:

  • Item: The goods or services you purchased.
  • Supplier: The company or individual providing the goods or services.
  • Purchase Order: The initial document where you express your intent to purchase certain goods or services.
  • Purchase Receipt (optional): The document received upon delivery of the goods or services.

How to Create a Purchase Invoice

Creating a Purchase Invoice in Empress is straightforward. You can create one from a Purchase Order, a Purchase Receipt, or directly from the Purchase Invoice list. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Invoice list, then click on New.
  2. Select the Supplier from your list.
  3. The posting date and time will automatically be set to the current date and time but can be edited if necessary.
  4. Set the Due Date for payment.
  5. Add the Items and quantities in the Items table.
  6. The system will automatically fetch the Rate and Amount.
  7. Click Save and then Submit.

Exploring Additional Options

When creating a Purchase Invoice, you have some additional options to consider:

  • Is Paid: Check this box if you’ve already paid the amount.
  • Is Return (Debit Note): Check this box if you’ve returned the Items to the supplier.
  • Apply Tax Withholding Amount: This checkbox will be enabled if the selected Supplier has a Tax Withholding Category set.

Understanding Purchase Invoice Statuses

Your Purchase Invoice can have several statuses, including Draft, Return, Debit Note Issued, Submitted, Paid, Partly Paid, Unpaid, Overdue, and Canceled. These statuses help you track the lifecycle of each invoice.

Key Features of Purchase Invoices

Empress provides several features to enhance your Purchase Invoice management, including:

  • Accounting Dimensions
  • Holding the Invoice
  • Supplier Invoice Details
  • Address and Contact details
  • Currency and Price list
  • Subcontracting or ‘Supply Raw Materials’
  • Items Table
  • Taxes and Charges
  • Additional Discount
  • Advance Payment
  • Payment Terms
  • Write Off
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Printing Settings
  • GST Details (for India)
  • More Information

Managing Purchase Invoices

Once a Purchase Invoice is submitted, you can create several documents against it, including a Journal Entry, Payment Entry, Payment Request, Landed Cost Voucher, and Asset.

Accounting Impact

The Purchase Invoice impacts your accounts in various ways, affecting your Expense or Asset account for each row in your Items table, and generating specific accounting entries.

Holding Payments For A Purchase Invoice

You can hold a Purchase Invoice indefinitely (Explicit Hold) or until a specified date (Date Span Hold).

By mastering Purchase Invoices in Empress, you can streamline your accounting and payment processes, making your business operations more efficient. For additional assistance, refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.