Mastering Role-Based Permissions in Empress for Business


Welcome to a comprehensive guide on the Role-Based Permissions feature in Empress. This powerful tool allows you to manage your business with precision, dictating who has access to certain documents, and to what extent they can interact with them.

Introduction to Role-Based Permissions

The Role-Based Permissions feature in Empress is a critical tool for businesses to manage access to sensitive information. By assigning roles to users and setting document permissions based on those roles, you can ensure that each member of your team has the appropriate level of access to the information they need.

Empress also provides a Permission Level feature. This allows you to define different permissions for different fields within a document. So, even when a role is assigned to a user, you can still control their access to specific fields in a document.

How to Use the Role Permissions Manager

To start using the Role Permissions Manager, first navigate to: Home > Users and Permissions > Role Permissions Manager.

In Empress, permissions are applied to a combination of:

  • Roles: Users are assigned roles that have permission rules applied to them, such as Employee or Sales User.
  • Document Types: Each type of document has a separate list of role-based permissions. These documents could range from Sales Invoices to Leave Applications.
  • Permission Levels: Within each document, fields can be grouped by “levels”, each with a unique number from 0 to 9. Each group of fields can have a separate set of permission rules.
  • Document Stages: Permissions can be applied to each stage of a document, such as Creation, Saving, Submission, Cancellation, and Amendment.
  • User Permissions: You can restrict a user’s access to only specific Documents for a given Document Type.

To add a new rule, click on the Add a New Rule button. A pop-up box will prompt you to select a Role and a Permission Level. Once you’ve made your selections and clicked ‘Add’, a new row will be added to your rules table.

Making the Most of Role-Based Permissions

To understand how you can utilize the role-based permissions system in Empress, consider the following example using a Leave Application document:

  1. The document must be created by an Employee, so the Employee Role is given Read, Write, and Create permissions.
  2. An Employee should only be able to access their own Leave Application, so a User Permissions record is created for each User-Employee combination.
  3. The HR Manager should be able to see all Leave Applications. A Permission Rule is created for the HR Manager at Level 0 with Read permissions.
  4. The Leave Approver should be able to see and update Leave Applications of employees under them. The Leave Approver is given Read and Write access at Level 0.
  5. The HR User should be able to delegate Leave Applications to their subordinates. The HR User is given the right to Set User Permissions.

If you’ve assigned the roles correctly and still encounter errors when accessing documents, make sure to double-check your settings.


Role-Based Permissions in Empress offer a robust and flexible system for managing access to documents. By understanding and applying this feature, you can ensure that your team has the appropriate access to the information they need for their roles. For additional help or resources, visit our support page or contact our customer service team.