Mastering Role Permission for Enhanced User Control


Welcome to this user-friendly guide where we will guide you on how to effectively use the Role Permission for Page and Report tool in Empress. This feature is designed to bolster the control you have over access to different pages and reports within your platform.

Understanding Document Types

Think of each entity you deal with in your business, like a sales order, a customer, or a supplier. These are all known as document types in Empress. These document types can hold multiple documents of the same type. For example, you can create multiple sales orders, each representing a different transaction, but you can’t have multiple pages for Selling Settings as it is a single page.

Customizing User Interface and Reports

Empress offers you the ability to create a tailored user interface using the Page feature, as well as customized reports using the Report Builder or Query Report. Empress operates on a role-based permission system, which means you can assign roles to users, and these same roles can be assigned to pages and reports to control who can access them.

Assigning Roles to Pages and Reports

If you have enabled Developer Mode, you can directly assign roles to pages and reports. These permissions will then be reflected in the JSON file for the page or report. You can limit access to specific pages and reports by setting the roles in the Role Permission for Page and Report tool.

To access this tool, follow this path: Home > Users and Permissions > Role Permission for Page and Report

How to Use Role Permission for Page and Report

Even without Developer Mode enabled, you can still assign roles to pages and reports using the Role Permission for Page and Report tool.

If you want to return to the default permissions for a page or report, simply click the “Reset to Defaults” button. This will remove any custom permissions and apply the default permissions to the page or report.

Assigning Role Permissions as a Developer

For those with developer access, you can set role permissions directly from the Page or Report.

For Page:

  1. Navigate to: Home > Developer > Page.
  2. Add a row and select the roles that should have access to the Page.

For Report:

  1. Navigate to: Home > Developer > Report.
  2. Add rows with the roles that should have access to the Report.

By utilizing the Role Permission for Page and Report feature, you can take control over who can access what information. This ensures a secure and efficient workflow in your Empress platform. This feature is just one of many that Empress provides to enhance your business processes. For additional resources or support, please visit our help center or contact our support team.