Mastering Role Permission Manager: Enhancing Data Security


Welcome to our guide on managing user restrictions in Empress, a feature that can help you enhance your business’s workflow and data security. This feature is designed to help you control access to documents in your system based on whether a user is the creator or owner of a document. This user-friendly guide will walk you through the process of setting up these restrictions.

What Does This Feature Do?

In Empress, each user has a role, which determines what documents they can view, edit, and track. However, there may be instances where you would want to limit a user’s access even further. For instance, you might want a user to only have access to documents they have created themselves. This is where the Role Permission Manager feature comes in.

With the Role Permission Manager, you can set restrictions on a user’s access based on their role and whether they are the document’s creator. This ensures that sensitive documents are only accessible by the appropriate users, contributing to a more secure and efficient workflow.

Steps to Manage User Restrictions

  1. Navigate to the Role Permission Manager: From the home screen, go to Users and Permissions > Permissions > Role Permissions Manager. This is where you can manage all user permissions.

  2. Select the Document Type: Next, choose the type of document you want to set restrictions for. The permissions associated with that document will then appear. Scroll down to find the role you wish to restrict.

  3. Activate User Permission: Lastly, locate the role you want to restrict (for instance, ‘Sales User’). Check the box next to “Only If Creator” to activate the restriction. Now, users with this role can only access a document if they are the one who created it.

Conclusion: The Business Benefits of User Restrictions

The ability to manage user restrictions in Empress can greatly enhance your business operations. By putting these limits in place, you’re ensuring that only the appropriate users can access certain documents, thus enhancing your data security. Moreover, this feature fosters a more transparent and efficient workflow, as users can focus on the documents that are directly relevant to them.

For additional assistance or resources, please visit the Empress support website or reach out to our support team. We’re here to help you make the most of your Empress experience!