Mastering Sales Invoice Creation and Management in Empress


Sales Invoices are a fundamental part of your business’s financial management in Empress. They help you keep track of your sales, record payments, and maintain a clear record of your transactions. In this guide, we’ll guide you through creating, modifying, and recording sales invoices.

Creating a Sales Invoice

Creating a Sales Invoice in Empress is a simple process if you’ve already set up your accounts, taxes, sales items, and customers.

  1. Navigate to the Sales Invoices page by clicking Sales > Sales Invoices.
  2. Click on the blue + button to open the Sales Invoice form.
  3. Select the Customer to whom you’re selling.
  4. Add the Item being sold by clicking on Add Row. The Default Tax will be automatically added, but you can modify it if necessary.
  5. Enter the Quantity of the item being sold.
  6. You can add more items or, if you’re satisfied, click on Save.
  7. After finalizing, click on Submit. Empress will automatically record the necessary ledger entries against the related accounts.

Remember, once the invoice is submitted, it moves to the Submitted state and cannot be edited. The sales transaction is now recorded.

Modifying an Invoice Item

In case you need to adjust the values of an Invoice Item, here’s how you can do it:

  1. Click on the edit button on the item row.
  2. Modify the item description, HSN code, check the Taxed Amount, etc. If you change the Taxed Amount, Empress will automatically calculate the Rate of the Item.

Recording Sales Payments

Recording payment against a submitted sales invoice is crucial, as it signifies that you have received the money.

  1. Navigate to the Sales Invoice, then click on the ... menu button.
  2. Click the Make Payment option.
  3. This will open the Payment quick edit form with the outstanding amount auto-filled.
  4. Modify the values as needed and click on Save. This will Save and Submit the Payment.

Empress will then create the necessary ledger entries to decrease the payment amount from Accounts Receivable and increase the amount in your Bank or Cash Account.

Until Payments are made to settle the Outstanding Amount, the Sales Invoice will remain in the Unpaid state. Once the Outstanding Amount reaches 0, the status will change to Paid.

Using Auto Payments

Auto Payments help streamline the Sales Invoice → Payment workflow.

  1. Set the default accounts for Sales Payment in Setup > Settings > Defaults > Auto Payments.
  2. After setting this, whenever you Submit a Sales Invoice, a Payment entry will be automatically created.

If you want to disable Auto Payment for a single Sales Invoice, uncheck the Make Payment On Submit checkbox in the Settings tab before submitting a Sales Invoice entry.

Printing the Sales Invoice

To export the Sales Invoice as a PDF:

  1. Click on the Print button next to the ... menu above the Sales Invoice Form.
  2. Add your company logo and select a brand color that matches your business’ primary color.
  3. Change the style by selecting one of the provided Templates. Choose any that fits your style.
  4. After customizing, click on Save as PDF to save the Sales Invoice. You can then print it using your printer’s software.

With Empress’s Sales Invoices, you can manage your sales transactions efficiently and accurately. They simplify the process of recording sales, receiving payments, and keeping a clear record of all transactions. For more information or support, visit our online resources or contact our customer support team.