Mastering Sales Stage Tracking for Business Success


Welcome to this guide. Today, we’re going to talk about an integral feature in Empress that is extremely beneficial for business users - the Sales Stage.

Understanding Sales Stages

In the world of business, a Sales Stage represents the current status of an opportunity within your sales process. More often than not, high-value deals don’t happen overnight - they pass through various stages before the sale is closed. This journey from prospect to customer is what we refer to as the sales stage.

Understanding and tracking these stages is crucial, as it gives you a clearer picture of how your deals are progressing. With Empress, you can create and manage your own sales stages, allowing you to monitor each opportunity as it progresses.

How to Create a Sales Stage in Empress

Creating a new sales stage in Empress is simple. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. From your Empress dashboard, navigate to Home > CRM > Settings.
  2. Here, you’ll find the Sales Stage option. Select it.
  3. You’ll now be on the Sales Stage settings page. Click the ‘New’ button to create a new stage.
  4. You’ll be prompted to enter a name for your new Sales Stage. Choose a name that accurately reflects the stage of the sales process this represents.

That’s it! You’ve now created a new sales stage.

Viewing and Managing Sales Stages

In addition to creating new sales stages, Empress also allows you to manage your existing ones. You can view all of your sales stages from the Sales Stage settings page, where you can also edit or delete stages as necessary.

The Role of Sales Stages in Business Operations

So, how do sales stages help in everyday business operations? The primary benefit is visibility. By having a distinct stage for each step in your sales process, you can easily see how many opportunities are at each stage.

This not only helps you identify where most of your opportunities are concentrated, but also helps you identify any potential bottlenecks in your process. By addressing these bottlenecks, you can streamline your sales process and improve your chances of closing more deals.

In conclusion, the Sales Stage feature in Empress offers a clear, easy-to-use way to track and manage your sales progress. By providing visibility into your sales process, it helps you monitor and improve your sales operations, ultimately leading to more successful deal closures.

For more information on how to use Empress’s features to benefit your business, feel free to check out our other guides or reach out to our support team. Happy selling!