Mastering Serialized Inventory Tracking for Efficient Management


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on Serialized Inventory Tracking in Empress. This feature is a crucial tool for businesses to manage their inventory effectively and efficiently. With Serialized Inventory Tracking, you can keep track of individual items in your inventory through their unique serial numbers. This allows for accurate inventory management and helps in locating items within your inventory.

Step 1: Enabling Serial Number Tracking

To start tracking items by their serial numbers, you need to enable the Enable Serial Number feature. Here’s how:

  1. Locate the Inventory Settings in the Empress dashboard.
  2. Choose the Enable Serial Number option.

To check your list of serial numbers, use the Quick Search feature. Just type “serial number list”, and select the first option that appears.

Step 2: Setting Up Serialized Items

Once the Serial Number feature is enabled, you can assign serial numbers to your items as follows:

  1. Select the item to be serialized.
  2. Turn on the Track Item option.
  3. Finally, select Has Serial Number.

Important: Ensure that the Track Item setting is enabled before you activate the Has Serial Number option.

Step 3: Inputting Item Serial Numbers

With the serial numbers enabled for an item, all transactions that involve that item and affect the inventory must include the serial number. Here’s how:

  1. Click the edit button on the table row of the item.
  2. Enter the serial number, one for each unit of quantity.

Note: Each unit of a serialized item should have a unique serial number, provided on a separate line.

Step 4: Tracking Serial Number Status

A serial number’s status changes based on whether the transaction is an inward transaction (like a Purchase Receipt) or an outward transaction (like a Shipment).

The serial number can have one of three statuses:

  • Active: The item is in stock and can only be used for outward transactions.
  • Inactive: The item is not in stock and can only be used for inward transactions.
  • Delivered: The item has been used in an outward transaction and cannot be reused.

The following table shows how the status of a serial number changes:

  • Inward transactions (Material Receipt, Manufacture, Stock Movement, Purchase Receipt) change the status from Inactive to Active.
  • Outward transactions (Material Issue, Manufacture, Stock Movement, Shipment) change the status from Active to Delivered.

If a transaction is cancelled, the status of the serial number reverts to its previous state.

The Serialized Inventory Tracking feature in Empress significantly enhances your business processes by ensuring accurate inventory tracking and management. For further assistance, please refer to our other user-friendly guides or contact our support team.