Mastering Short Closing and Reopening Sales Orders in Empress


Sales order management is a significant aspect of your business operations when using a business management application like Empress. This guide will guide you through the process of short closing and reopening sales orders — a feature that provides you with greater control and flexibility over your transactions.

Understanding Short Close

The term “short close” in Empress refers to the process of prematurely closing a sales order. Once a sales order is short closed, it is equivalent to deleting the order from your active transactions. This means no further transactions are allowed against that order unless it is reopened.

Short Closing a Sales Order

To short close a sales order in Empress, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the sales order you want to close.
  2. Find the Status field.
  3. Click on the Close option in the dropdown menu.

Short Closing Multiple Sales Orders

In certain situations, you might need to close multiple sales orders at once. Empress allows you to do this in just a few steps:

  1. Go to the Sales Order List.
  2. Choose the sales orders you want to short close.
  3. Navigate to the Menu and click on Close.

By following these steps, you can close multiple sales orders in bulk, saving you time and streamlining your workflow.

Reopening Closed Sales Orders

If a sales order has been closed prematurely, or if there’s a change in circumstances and the order needs to be active again, you can easily reopen it. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the order you want to reopen.
  2. Go to the Menu.
  3. Click on Re-open.

Note: This process is also applicable if you need to close or reopen multiple purchase orders.

Conclusion: Enhance Your Business Processes with Empress

Understanding and effectively using the short close and reopen feature in Empress ensures an efficient and flexible management of your sales and purchase orders. This feature provides you with full control over your business transactions, allowing you to adapt to changing circumstances and optimise your workflow.

For further assistance or more information about other Empress features, please refer to our comprehensive user guides or contact our support team.