Mastering Site Management with Empress Framework


In this guide, we’ll guide you through managing your business sites using the Empress Framework. As a business user, you’ll learn how to list all your sites, fetch specific site details, explore creation options, create and delete sites, activate and deactivate them, manage backups and log in as an administrator. Everything is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, with no technical jargon.

Introduction to API Requests

Before we dive into managing your sites, let’s take a quick look at how information is sent and received in Empress. This is done using something called API requests. Don’t worry, it’s not as technical as it sounds.

In simple terms, think of an API request as a letter being sent and received between your computer and the Empress server. This “letter” contains information that you’re either sending to Empress or requesting from it. To ensure the information goes to the right place and is authorised, we include something called headers.

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll skip the technical details and focus on the actions you need to perform on your sites.

Listing All Sites

To view a list of all your business sites in Empress, you can send a request to the Empress server. This is equivalent to asking Empress to send you a list of all your sites.

Fetching a Specific Site

If you want to fetch the details of a specific site, you can ask Empress for this information by sending a request that includes the name of the site you want to fetch.

Exploring Options for Site Creation

Before you create a new site, you can check the available options. This is like asking Empress what choices you have when creating a new site. The response will contain details about available plans, versions, and other important parameters.

Creating a Site

When you’re ready to create a site, you can send a request to Empress with the details of the new site, such as its name, the apps you want to install, the group it belongs to, its location (cluster), and the pricing plan you want to use.

Deleting a Site

If you decide you no longer need a site, you can send a request to Empress to delete it.

Deactivating and Activating a Site

Empress allows you to deactivate and reactivate your sites. This is useful if you want to temporarily take a site offline without deleting it.

Listing and Scheduling Backups

Backing up your sites is critical for business continuity. Empress allows you to view a list of all backups for a site and schedule new backups.

Logging in as an Administrator

To perform administrative tasks on your sites, you can log in as an administrator by sending a request to Empress with the name of the site you want to administer.


By mastering these features, you’ll be able to effectively manage your business sites with the Empress Framework. Whether you want to list all your sites, fetch specific site details, explore creation options, create and delete sites, activate and deactivate them, manage backups or log in as an administrator, Empress makes these tasks simple and user-friendly.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the Empress Documentation.