Mastering Site Status, Billing, and Error Management in Empress


Welcome to this comprehensive guide tailored for businesses to understand and manage site status, billing, and request errors in Empress. This guide will help you become more familiar with some key features of Empress, and how to utilize them to streamline your business operations.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing your digital assets effectively is paramount. With Empress, you can have a clear overview of your site’s status, understand billing processes, and troubleshoot request errors, all in a user-friendly manner.

The Basics

Active and Inactive Sites

In Empress, both Active and Inactive sites are subject to billing. If you want to stop billing, you need to completely drop the site.

Reactivating a Suspended Site

A site might get suspended due to unpaid invoices. To reactivate your site, simply settle the pending invoices. You can do this from the billing section in your Empress Dashboard.

Understanding Your Database

Identifying Large Tables or Doctypes

To identify which tables or doctypes are consuming the most space, you can use the Database storage report. Just search for it in the search bar.

Managing Log Tables

Log tables can consume a significant amount of space. You can manage the size of log tables using the Log Settings feature.

Database vs. Disk Space

Database and disk space are utilized differently in Empress:

  • Database space is used when you create data on your site, like Sales Invoices.
  • Disk space is used when you upload files and images.

Please note that the database space shown on the dashboard might appear larger than the actual database size when you download it. This is because it includes the space consumed by each table and each table’s index.


Request Timeout Errors

If a specific action on your site, like submitting a document, takes too long and results in a Request timeout, it’s likely an application issue. You can try increasing the default timeout of 2 minutes for web requests. If the action is part of your custom app, consider optimizing the code. For actions that are guaranteed to take longer, consider converting them to a background job.

Missing Apps on Destination Bench

If you’re updating a site on a public bench and encounter an error related to a marketplace app, it’s likely because certain Marketplace apps have been removed from Public Benches. If you’re not using the app, remove it, or create a Private Bench with the required apps and migrate your site using the tool provided.

Increased Database Size After Moving to a Dedicated Server

After moving your site to a dedicated server, you might notice an increase in the database usage. This is because the database usage for dedicated servers considers the storage used by the entire server, not just the database. The difference in size is largely due to the binary logs that we collect.


Understanding your site status, managing billing, and troubleshooting request errors are critical aspects of managing your digital business operations. Empress provides you with user-friendly and effective tools to handle these tasks with ease.

For further assistance, please refer to the Empress Support Center or contact our dedicated support team.