Mastering Supplier Quotations for Informed Purchasing Decisions


Welcome to your detailed guide on how to use the Supplier Quotation feature in Empress. This tool is important for your business because it allows you to track and manage quotes from suppliers, helping you make informed purchasing decisions.

What is a Supplier Quotation?

A Supplier Quotation is a document provided by a potential supplier, detailing the cost of goods or services they are offering. It’s like a promise from the supplier to deliver certain goods or services at a specified price. This feature is located at Home > Buying > Purchasing > Supplier Quotation in your Empress dashboard.

Before You Begin

Before you can create a Supplier Quotation, you’ll need two things:

  • A Supplier: This is the company or individual who is offering the goods or services.
  • An Item: This is the product or service that you’re considering purchasing.

Creating a Supplier Quotation

There are several ways to create a Supplier Quotation in Empress:

From a Material Request: If you’ve already made a request for certain materials, you can generate a quotation directly from this request.

From a Supplier Master: If you have a preferred supplier, you can create a quotation straight from their profile in your Supplier Master list.

Through Empress Submission: Your supplier can directly submit a quotation through Empress for you to review.

Manually Creating a Supplier Quotation: Follow these steps to create a quotation manually:

  1. Navigate to: Buying > Purchasing > Supplier Quotation > New.
  2. Choose the Supplier who sent you the quotation.
  3. If you’ve saved the supplier’s address and contact details in their master profile, this information will be automatically filled in.
  4. Enter the Item code and select the quantity. If you’ve set a standard buying rate for the item in the Item Price section, this rate will be automatically filled in.

Features of the Supplier Quotation

Taxes and Charges: You can add additional taxes or charges, such as shipping or insurance costs, to accurately track your total costs. You can also use templates for your taxes.

More: There are fields where you can add more details, such as Tax Category, Shipping Rule, Purchase Taxes and Charges Template, Discount, Terms and Conditions, Quotation Number, and Printing Settings. These details are from your supplier and can be recorded for accurate tracking.

After you’ve submitted a Supplier Quotation, you can create several records:

  • Purchase Order: If you’re happy with the supplier’s quotation and want to proceed with the purchase.
  • Quotation: If you want to create a quotation for your own customers based on the supplier’s quote.
  • Auto Repeat: If you want to automatically repeat the supplier quotation at specified intervals.

Remember, the Supplier Quotation can be linked to a Material Request using the ‘Link to material requests’ button.

With the Supplier Quotation feature in Empress, organizing and tracking supplier quotes has never been easier. For more information or support, please visit our Help Center or contact our Support Team. Happy buying!