Mastering Task Management with Empress Todo Feature


The Todo feature in Empress plays a pivotal role in streamlining tasks and boosting productivity within your business. With this tool, you can create, assign, and manage tasks seamlessly. Using Todo, you can keep track of your responsibilities and deadlines, making it a valuable ally in managing your business operations.

Accessing the Todo Feature

To access the Todo feature:

  1. Go to Home.
  2. Click on Tools.
  3. Select Todo.

How to Create a Todo

To create a new task:

  1. Navigate to the Todo list.
  2. Click on ‘New.’
  3. Provide a clear description of the task.
  4. Click ‘Save.’

Note: Initially, the task is assigned to the creator. To delegate the task to another user, you can edit the Todo in Full Page.

Todo Notification

Upon creation, the user assigned to the Todo will get a notification, keeping everyone in the loop.

Customizing a Todo

When creating a Todo, you have the ability to customize various aspects:

  1. Status: Set the task status. It is ‘Open’ by default and can be changed to ‘Closed’ when completed.
  2. Priority: Assign a priority level as Low, Medium, or High according to the task’s importance.
  3. Color: Add a color to your Todo to categorize and differentiate tasks.
  4. Due Date: Set a deadline for the task.
  5. Allocated To: Assign the task to another user if needed.

Utilizing References

In Empress, each Document has an ‘Assign To’ option. Using this, you can assign any Document to a user, and a Todo will be simultaneously assigned to them. The details of this reference will also be linked to the Todo:

  1. Reference Type: The type of Document from which the Todo is created.
  2. Reference Name: The name of the Document if assigned via another DocType.
  3. Assignment By: The name of the person who assigned the task.

Understanding Todo States

A Todo can exist in three states:

  • Open: The initial state of a new Todo.
  • Closed: The state of a Todo when the task is finished. This can be manually set or will automatically update for conditions like ‘Issue Resolved’ or ‘Task Completed.’ A closed Todo can be reopened if needed.
  • Cancelled: This state occurs when a user is unassigned from a task. The linked Todo is automatically set to ‘Cancelled.’

With the Todo feature in Empress, you can effectively manage tasks and streamline your business processes. This user-friendly feature is designed to keep you on top of your responsibilities and deadlines, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. For further assistance, refer to the Empress support resources or contact our support team.