Mastering Tax and Shipping Management in Empress


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to manage Taxes and Charges on your quotations in Empress! This feature is crucial for businesses as it ensures all relevant charges are accounted for and visible to your customers, enhancing transparency and trust.

Adding a Shipping Rule

Empress allows you to add specific shipping rules to your quotations. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the quotation you’re working on.
  2. Click on the Shipping Rule link. This will take you to a section where you can define the shipping conditions for the items in your quotation.

Adding Taxes to Your Quotation

Adding tax charges to your quotations in Empress is a straightforward process. Empress provides two methods for this:

Method 1: Use a Sales Taxes and Charges Template

  • Select the template that matches your required tax conditions. The relevant tax details will automatically populate in the Sales Taxes and Charges table.

Method 2: Manually input tax details

  • If you prefer, you can manually enter the relevant tax details directly into the Sales Taxes and Charges table.

Regardless of the method chosen, your total taxes and charges will be displayed beneath the table. For a detailed breakdown of all tax components and amounts, click on Tax Breakup.

Leveraging the Tax Category Feature

The Tax Category feature in Empress is a powerful tool that simplifies the tax application process. Linked to the Tax Rule, the Tax Category can be assigned to a customer. When you select that customer for a transaction, Empress will automatically fetch the Tax Category and fill in the Tax table rows accordingly.

This feature is useful for grouping customers based on similar tax applications. For example, you can create categories like “Government”, “NGO”, or “Commercial”, ensuring that the correct tax is applied to each transaction depending on the customer’s category.


Empress provides an intuitive interface to manage shipping and tax rules for your quotations. By effectively using these features, you can provide accurate and transparent cost breakdowns to your customers, thereby enhancing their experience and trust in your business. For more assistance, refer to additional resources or reach out to our support team.