Mastering the Appointment Feature in Empress


Understanding and managing business engagements is vital for any enterprise. The Appointment feature in Empress offers a user-friendly interface to schedule, track, and manage your interactions with Leads or Opportunities. It’s your personal assistant, ensuring you never miss a meeting and always have the right context at your fingertips. Let’s delve into the benefits and practical applications of the Appointment feature in Empress.

Accessing the Appointment Feature

To start using the Appointment feature, follow this simple path on your Empress dashboard:

Home > CRM > Sales Pipeline > Appointment

Getting Started: Preparatory Steps

Before diving into scheduling appointments, make sure you have the following elements set up in your Empress system:

  1. Appointment Booking Settings - Configure your meeting preferences.
  2. Holiday List - Outline your availability by marking out holidays and non-working days.
  3. Employee - Ensure your team’s details are up to date.
  4. Lead - Have your potential clients’ information ready.
  5. Email - Set up your email for seamless communication.

Creating an Appointment: Step-by-step Guide

Here’s how you can create an appointment in Empress:

  1. Navigate to the Appointment list and click on New.
  2. Set the date and time of the appointment.
  3. Fill in the customer’s contact details.
  4. If the customer is already listed as a Lead, link the appointment to this lead in the Linked Documents section. If not, Empress will create a new lead using the customer’s information.
  5. Click Save to schedule the appointment.

Allowing Customers to Schedule Appointments

Empress also allows your customers or leads to schedule appointments themselves. They can do this by visiting and filling out their preferred date, time, and other necessary details. Empress will then match the customer’s email with the existing leads in the system. If a match is found, the appointment is linked to that lead. If not, the appointment is listed as Unverified, and a confirmation email is sent to the customer.

Key Features


Empress takes the guesswork out of assignment. Based on the Agents list in the Appointment Booking Settings, appointments are automatically assigned to employees. The system ensures a balanced workload, considering the agent with the fewest assignments for the day who is also free at the scheduled appointment time.

Email Confirmation

If a customer’s email doesn’t match any existing lead in your system, Empress sends a confirmation email to the given address. Once the customer confirms their email, Empress creates a new Lead and attaches the Appointment to it.

In summary, the Appointment feature in Empress streamlines your scheduling process, ensuring you stay on top of your meetings and maintain balanced engagement with your leads or opportunities. For further assistance with Empress, please refer to our range of user-friendly guides and support resources.