Mastering the Bill of Materials feature in Empress


Welcome to our easy-to-understand guide on how to utilize the Bill of Materials (BOM) feature in Empress to enhance your business operations. The BOM is a vital component of the manufacturing process, serving as a comprehensive list of items, sub-assemblies, and their quantities needed to manufacture a product. This feature also supports multi-level BOM, allowing you to manage items at different levels efficiently.

Accessing the BOM List

Firstly, to access the BOM List, follow this simple pathway: Home > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials > Bill of Materials

Crafting Your Bill of Materials

To create a successful BOM, we suggest setting up the following elements before you start:

  • Item
  • Operation
  • Workstation
  • Routing

Once these are ready, follow these steps to create your BOM:

  1. Navigate to the BOM list and select ‘New.’
  2. Choose the item you wish to manufacture.
  3. Specify the quantity to be produced.
  4. In the ‘Items’ table, select the necessary raw materials.
  5. In the ‘Scrap’ section, select any scrap items created during manufacturing and their quantity.
  6. Save and Submit your BOM.

Understanding BOM Costing

In the ‘Costing’ section of your BOM, you will find an approximate cost of manufacturing your selected item. This is calculated based on the valuation rate of the raw materials, sub-assemblies involved, and the operation costs.

Exploring Materials Required (Exploded)

This section provides a comprehensive list of all raw materials needed to manufacture your selected item, including those required for the sub-assemblies and their quantities.

Linking BOM to Project and Website

You can link your BOM to a project for effective progress tracking and project costing. You can also display your BOM on your website, particularly useful for businesses dealing with open-source hardware products.

Utilizing BOM Templates

BOM templates enable you to create BOMs for template items, which can be used as the default BOM when making Work Orders against the template item’s variants.

After Submitting Your BOM

Upon submitting your BOM, you can create the following document types against the BOM from your dashboard:

Please be aware that once a BOM is submitted, it cannot be edited. To make changes, you will need to cancel the existing one, copy it, and submit a new one. Due to the intricate links of a BOM within the Manufacturing module, modifying it can be a time-consuming process. It’s therefore crucial to fill out your BOMs accurately before submitting.

In conclusion, the Bill of Materials feature in Empress is a powerful tool for businesses to streamline their manufacturing process and manage costs effectively. Remember to refer to this guide whenever you need assistance with this feature, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for further help.