Mastering the Competitor Detail Feature in Empress


Welcome to the Competitor Detail Feature guide in Empress. As a business user, understanding your competitors is crucial, and the Competitor Detail Feature makes it easy to keep track of key information about your competition. This user-friendly feature allows you to view, edit, sort, and track data about each of your competitors in a simple and intuitive manner.

Feature Overview

The Competitor Detail Feature is part of the Empress CRM module. It provides an easy way to manage data about your competitors. With this tool, you can:

  • Link to specific competitors
  • View detailed information about each competitor
  • Edit competitor data as needed
  • Sort competitors based on various factors
  • Track changes made to competitor information

Using the Competitor Detail Feature

Viewing Competitor Details

To view details about a competitor, navigate to the Competitor Detail section. Here, you’ll see a comprehensive list of all competitors linked in the system. Click on a competitor’s name to view in-depth details about them.

Editing Competitor Details

To edit details about a competitor, click on the competitor’s name and then select the Edit button. This will allow you to update any necessary information. Remember to save your changes before you navigate away from the page.

Sorting Competitors

The Competitor Detail Feature also allows you to sort competitors based on various factors. To do this, navigate to the Sort option and select the factor you’d like to sort by.

Tracking Changes

To keep track of changes made to competitor information, the feature has a built-in change tracker. You can view all modifications, who made them, and when they were made.

User Roles and Permissions

As with all Empress features, user roles and permissions apply to the Competitor Detail Feature. Access can be granted or restricted based on each user’s role in your organization. Administrators can adjust these settings as necessary.


The Competitor Detail Feature is a powerful tool for managing and understanding your competition. It simplifies the process of viewing, editing, sorting, and tracking competitor information, ultimately helping your business to stay ahead of the competition.

For additional assistance, please refer to our other guides or contact our support team. We’re always here to help you make the most of Empress’s features.