Mastering the Disable Line Breaks Feature in Empress


Welcome! In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the Disable Line Breaks feature in Empress. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to customize their printed documents for a more streamlined presentation and improved readability.

Introduction to the Disable Line Breaks Feature

In Empress, the Print Format settings include an option to insert line breaks after every section. While this can be helpful for separating different content areas, it may not always be desirable in business documents. The Disable Line Breaks feature allows you to control this setting, ensuring your printed documents align perfectly with your business needs.

How to Disable Line Breaks

Here’s a simple guide to help you turn off line breaks in your Empress Print Format:

  1. Sign in to your Empress account and go to the Print Format Builder.
  2. Choose the Print Format where you want to remove the line breaks.
  3. Click on Edit Settings to access the settings of the chosen Print Format.
  4. Look for the option titled “Show Line Breaks after Sections”. This is the setting that controls the appearance of line breaks in your document.
  5. Uncheck the box next to “Show Line Breaks after Sections” to turn off the line breaks after each section.

That’s it! With these simple steps, you’ve successfully disabled line breaks in your selected Print Format.

Remember, you can always turn the line breaks back on by checking the same box in your Print Format settings.

Conclusion: Enhancing Business Processes with Empress

The Disable Line Breaks feature in Empress is a great tool for businesses to customize their documents for a cleaner, more professional look. By controlling the appearance of line breaks, you can ensure your printed materials reflect your brand and meet your business requirements.

For further assistance or more information, feel free to reach out to our support team or explore our additional resources. Empress is here to make your business operations smooth and efficient!