Mastering the Email Digest Feature for Regular Updates

Welcome to the guide on the Email Digest feature. In the context of Empress, this feature serves as a valuable tool for businesses to keep their team updated with regular summary reports via email.

Functionality of Email Digest

The Email Digest feature is a versatile tool that can be customized according to your business needs. It can send updates on various aspects such as new income, new expenses, annual income, annual expenses, bank balance, receivables, payables, new sales orders, new purchase orders, and many more. This feature can be scheduled to send daily, weekly, or monthly reports, making it a flexible and efficient tool for regular updates.

Primary Functions and Benefits

  • Regular Updates: With the Email Digest feature, you can ensure that your team stays updated with the latest business data.

  • Customizable Content: You can select which data fields you want to include in the email, tailoring the content to what is most relevant for your team.

  • Flexible Frequency: Whether you want daily updates or a monthly summary, you can set the frequency of the email digest to meet your needs.

  • Multiple Recipients: You can add multiple recipients to receive the email digest, ensuring the right people get the right information.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to the Email Digest feature under the Setup module.

  2. Enable the feature by checking the ‘Enabled’ box.

  3. Select the company for which the Email Digest is to be sent.

  4. Set the frequency of the Email Digest.

  5. Choose the content of the Email Digest by checking the boxes for the relevant fields.

  6. Add the recipients who should receive the Email Digest.

Remember to save your settings.

User Roles and Permissions

System Managers have full permissions to create, read, write, delete, print, email, report, and share the Email Digest. They can also view and edit the Email Digest settings.


The Email Digest feature is a key tool in Empress for keeping your team informed about essential business metrics. By customizing the content and frequency of the reports, you can ensure that your team is always up-to-date with the latest business data.

For further assistance, refer to the Empress user guide or contact the support team.