Mastering the Empress Authorization Rule Feature

This guide guides you through the Authorization Rule feature in Empress, a powerful tool that helps manage permissions and approvals in your business operations.

Introduction to the Authorization Rule Feature

In any business, controlling who has access to what information and who can perform certain actions is crucial. The Authorization Rule feature in Empress is designed to simplify this process, allowing you to establish clear guidelines on who can view, edit, sort, and track information in the system.

This feature is ideal for businesses with multiple roles and varying levels of responsibility. It can be tailored to suit your business’s unique structure and needs, ensuring data is protected and business processes are streamlined.

Key Functions and Benefits

  • Transaction: You can select specific transactions like Sales Order, Purchase Order, Quotation, etc. to apply the authorization rule.
  • Based On: This feature allows you to set authorization based on different parameters like Grand Total, Average Discount, Customerwise Discount, etc.
  • Applicable To: You can specify the role, employee, user, or designation to which the rule applies.
  • Approving Role/User: This is used to set who can approve actions that exceed the authorized value.

How to Use the Authorization Rule Feature

  1. Navigate to Empress > Setup > DocType > Authorization Rule.
  2. To create a new rule, click on the “+ New” button.
  3. Fill in the fields as per your business requirements.
    • Select the Transaction type.
    • Choose the parameter in Based On.
    • Select the Applicable To fields (Role, Employee, User, Designation).
    • If required, specify the Approving Role/User.
  4. Click on “Save” to apply the rule.

Viewing and Editing Authorization Rules

  • To view existing rules, go to Empress > Setup > DocType > Authorization Rule. All existing rules will be displayed here.
  • To edit a rule, simply click on it in the list, make the necessary changes, and click “Save”.

User Roles and Permissions

The Authorization Rule feature can be accessed and edited by users with the “System Manager” role. Each rule can be assigned to different roles, users, employees, or designations as per your business needs.


The Authorization Rule feature is a powerful and flexible tool in Empress that aids in efficient and secure business operations. By specifying who can access and approve certain information, you can streamline your processes and safeguard sensitive data.

For more help, refer to the Empress user manual or contact the support team.