Mastering the Empress Dashboard for Financial Insights


Welcome to the Empress Dashboard, your one-stop destination for insights into your business’s financial health. With the Empress Dashboard, you can track Cash Flow, review Profit and Loss, manage Pending Payments, and analyze Expenses, all in one user-friendly interface.

Starting with the Empress Dashboard

Accessing the Empress Dashboard is simple. Look for the Dashboard option in the sidebar of your Empress interface. Click on it to open a comprehensive snapshot of your company’s current financial state.

Period Selector: Customize Your Data View

The Empress Dashboard is designed to provide flexibility in how you view your financial data. Each section of the Dashboard features a Period Selector. By default, it’s set to This Year, but you can choose to view data for This Quarter or This Month depending on your requirements.

For example, if today is June 16, 2022, the three options will display data for the following periods:

  • This Year: June 16, 2021 - June 16, 2022
  • This Quarter: March 16, 2022 - June 16, 2022
  • This Month: May 16, 2022 - June 16, 2022

Please note, the Cashflow and Profit and Loss sections do not include the This Month option.

Cashflow: Track Your Money

The Cashflow feature gives you a comprehensive view of the money coming in and out of your business. It calculates the total based on the balances in your Cash and Bank accounts. Just hover over the chart to see the Inflow or Outflow amount for a specific month.

Pending Payments: Manage Your Invoices

The Pending Payments section helps you manage your invoices effectively. It displays both paid and unpaid (outstanding) amounts. This section is divided into:

  • Sales Invoice: Here, you’ll see the total outstanding amount pending from your customers.
  • Purchase Invoice: This shows the total outstanding amount that you owe to your suppliers.

Hover over the chart to see the number of Paid and Unpaid invoices.

Profit and Loss: Determine Your Business Success

The Profit and Loss chart is your tool to evaluate the financial success of your business. It shows the profit (or loss) per month for a given period, calculated as the difference between the Income and Expense accounts. Hover over the chart to view the Profit or Loss amount for a specific month.

Top Expenses: Control Your Costs

The Top Expenses section provides insights into your costliest expenses. It displays your top five expenses by category, sorted from highest to lowest. The chart is calculated based on the balances in your Expense accounts.

In conclusion, the Empress Dashboard is a valuable tool for managing your business finances. It offers a clear, concise view of your financial data, allowing you to make informed decisions for your business. For more information or assistance, please refer to our other non-technical resources or contact our support team.