Mastering the 'Operation' Feature in Empress System


In the Empress system, the Operation feature plays a pivotal role in the manufacturing journey. Just as in a physical factory, an Operation is a specific task performed on raw materials to push them further along the manufacturing process. The Operation master in Empress is a digital storehouse where you can log each manufacturing operation, its detailed description, and its Default Workstation.

To view the Operation list in Empress, simply follow this path:

Home > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials > Operation


Before you start creating and using an Operation, it’s recommended to set up the following:

  • Workstation: This is the specific place or location where the operation will be performed.

(For assistance in creating a workstation in Empress, follow the link provided.)

How to Create an Operation

To create an Operation in Empress, use these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Operation list and click on ‘New.’
  2. Type in a name for the Operation. For example, ‘Cutting.’
  3. Choose the Default Workstation where the Operation will be performed. This workstation will be automatically fetched in Bill of Materials (BOMs) and Work Orders.
  4. In the Job Card section, select a Quality Inspection Template for the operation. This template will be used in the Job Card for that particular operation when a Work Order is created. If a new Quality Inspection is created from the Job card, this Quality Inspection Template will be set for that Quality Inspection.
  5. If necessary, add a description to explain the Operation in more detail.
  6. Finally, save your changes.

By saving the operation, you open up the possibility of creating several related items against this Operation.

Understanding Related Concepts

To fully utilize the Operation feature in Empress, it’s beneficial to understand these related terms:

  1. Routing: This term refers to the specific path that a manufacturing process takes from one operation to the next.
  2. Job Card: A Job Card is a document containing the details of what work needs to be done, where, and when. It can be linked to an Operation to streamline organization and efficiency.

Remember, a well-defined Operation can significantly improve the efficiency of your manufacturing process. This guide has provided a basic understanding of the Operation feature in Empress, but for more detailed guidance, check out our additional resources or reach out to our support team.