Mastering Transactional Entries in Empress for Business


Welcome to our guide on Transactional Entries in Empress. This feature is an integral part of Empress, as it enables the recording of various business activities that impact your account’s balance. The transactions can range from Sales Invoices and Purchase Invoices to Payments and Journal Entries.

Understanding Transactional Entry States

Transactional Entries in Empress go through a series of states, each representing a stage in the transaction lifecycle. These include:

  1. Draft: Entry is created but not saved in the database. It’s editable and not included in analytics.
  2. Saved: Entry is saved and stored in the database. It remains editable and is still not included in analytics.
  3. Not Saved: Entry is edited after being saved but not re-saved. It remains editable and not included in analytics.
  4. Submitted: Entry is saved and submitted. It’s not editable but is included in analytics.
  5. Cancelled: Entry is saved, submitted, and then cancelled. It’s not editable and not included in analytics.
  6. Deleted: Entry is removed entirely from the system. It’s not editable and not included in analytics.

How to Create a Transactional Entry

Creating a transactional entry in Empress is straightforward. Simply navigate to the respective transaction page and click on the blue + button.

Understanding the Draft State

At the outset, your new entry is in a Draft state. This means you can still tweak and modify its values. It’s important to note that at this point, it has not been saved in the database, and no name has been assigned to it.

Moving to the Saved State

Once you’re happy with the entry, you can hit the Save button. The entry now transitions to the Saved state, gets a name assigned, and is stored in the database. You can still edit this entry. If you do, it transitions to a Not Saved state until you save your changes.

Submitting Your Entry

When you’re certain all your changes are finalized, you can submit the entry. The entry now enters a Submitted state. This is a significant step because, at this point, account balances are updated, and General Ledger Entries are made.

You can view these entries by clicking on Ledger Entries from the ... menu on the transaction page.

Cancelling and Deleting an Entry

Sometimes, you might need to retract a transaction. Empress allows you to either cancel or completely delete an entry.

Cancelling an Entry

By clicking Cancel, you undo the account balances and General Ledger Entries associated with that transaction. While the entry won’t be included in any analytics, it will remain in the system and can be duplicated.

Deleting an Entry

If you need to completely remove an entry from your system, you can opt for the Delete option. This action requires confirmation as it’s irreversible. All traces of the entry, including all reverted entries, are permanently removed.

Congratulations! You now understand how Transactional Entries work in Empress. This knowledge will aid you in accurately recording and managing your business transactions. For a deeper understanding of the individual types of Transactional Entries, feel free to explore our other guides.