Mastering User Limit Management in Your Empress System


Welcome to this comprehensive guide! Today, we’ll dive into a vital feature of your Empress subscription: User Limit Management. This feature is essential for effective account administration and seamless operation of your Empress system.

Understanding User Limitations

Your Empress subscription comes with a predetermined number of System Users. This number signifies the maximum number of users you can create under your subscription. For instance, if your subscription covers 10 users, you can establish 10 System Users in your account. If you attempt to create an 11th System User, the system will prevent you from doing so, and you’ll receive a notification alerting you of this limitation.

Understanding and managing this limit is crucial to ensure smooth system operation and avoid disruptions in your business processes.

Resolving User Limit Issues

If you encounter a user limit issue, there are two primary solutions:

  1. Purchase additional users: You can upgrade your subscription to include more System Users as per your requirement.
  2. Deactivate current users: If you have inactive or redundant users, you can deactivate them to free up space for new users.

Understanding Simultaneous Sessions

There might be instances where you encounter a user limit issue even if you haven’t reached your subscription’s System User limit. This situation typically occurs if any of your users have a Simultaneous Sessions value greater than 1.

Each simultaneous session is counted as one System User. For example, if you have 3 users and one has a Simultaneous Session value of 3, then you have a total of 5 users:

3 (regular users) + 1 (extra session) + 1 (another extra session) = 5 System Users

To allow the system to create more users, you can decrease the Simultaneous Sessions value for these users. To do this, go to the User’s profile and under Security Settings, adjust the “Simultaneous Session” value to 1.

Note on Website Users

Please note that this user limit does not apply to Website Users. There is no limit on creating Website Users within your Empress subscription.


Managing your Empress user accounts effectively ensures a smooth and efficient operation of your system. By keeping track of your user count and simultaneous sessions, you can avoid any unexpected limitations or disruptions.

For further assistance or support, feel free to reach out to our customer service team. Happy managing!