Maximize Accuracy with Empress Reports' Parent Tables



In the course of using Empress for your business operations, you may encounter an issue where a certain invoice appears twice in a Purchase Invoice report. This guide aims to explain why this may happen and how you can fix it.

Feature Name: Empress Reports

Empress Reports are an essential feature in Empress that allows you to create and view comprehensive reports on various aspects of your business, such as purchase invoices. However, when creating these reports, you may notice that some invoices are displayed more than once.

Understanding the Problem

If you’ve noticed an invoice showing twice in your report, it’s likely due to the selection of a field from a Child Table in the ‘Pick Columns’ section. In Empress, a Child Table is a type of table used to store multi-value inputs. It lets you add multiple rows of data, with each row containing multiple fields.

For instance, in a Purchase Invoice, you might have multiple items or taxes associated with a single invoice. These are stored in the Child Table. If that table contains two rows, it will result in the invoice being displayed twice in the report.

Solving the Issue

To verify this, you can simply scroll to the far-right of the report. If the Child Table is indeed the cause, you can avoid such duplications by selecting fields from the Parent Table instead of the Child Table when setting up your report.

The Parent Table is where the main data of the document is stored. By selecting fields from the Parent Table, you ensure that each invoice is represented only once in your report, unless you specifically want to include all rows from the Child Table.


Understanding and properly using Child and Parent Tables in Empress Reports is crucial to ensure accurate and clear reporting for your business operations. By choosing the correct tables when setting up your reports, you can avoid confusion and make your reports more effective.

For further assistance with this feature or any other aspects of Empress, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team. Remember, Empress is designed to make your business processes smoother and more efficient, so don’t hesitate to seek help when you need it.