Maximize Efficiency with Empress Non-Profit Modules


Welcome to the Empress Non-Profit Modules guide - a user-friendly guide designed to help you navigate these powerful tools tailor-made for non-profit organizations. The Non-Profit Modules are your key to managing all aspects of your organization’s operations, from memberships to donations to events and more.

Key Features of the Non-Profit Modules

The Non-Profit Modules provide a centralized system that automatically organizes and updates all your organization’s activities. In this user-friendly interface, you can manage:

  • Memberships: Keep track of all your members, their roles, and their contributions to your organization.
  • Chapters: Manage different branches or chapters of your organization in a streamlined manner.
  • Volunteer Management: Organize your volunteers, their assignments, and their availability.
  • Donor Management: Keep a record of all your donors, their donations, and their donation history.
  • Events: Plan, organize, and manage all your events, including participant lists and schedules.
  • Grants: Track your grants, the application process, and progress.

Exploring the User Interface

To start, let’s explore how to view the various aspects of your organization on Empress.

Viewing Member Information

On the member’s page, you can view all the relevant details about a member. This includes their name, contact details, roles within the organization, and their contributions.

Editing Member Information

To edit a member’s information, locate their profile and click on the ‘Edit’ button. Here, you can update any necessary details.

Sorting Member Information

You can sort member information based on various factors such as the date they joined, their role, or their contributions. Simply click on the ‘Sort’ button and choose the desired option.

Tracking Member Activity

You can track all member activities from the member’s page. This includes their participation in events, their donations, and any other contributions they’ve made to the organization.

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, you can assign various roles to different members of your organization. For instance, you can assign roles like ‘Admin’, ‘Manager’, ‘Volunteer’, etc. Each role comes with specific permissions that define what actions they can perform within the system.


The Non-Profit Modules in Empress provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for managing your non-profit organization. They allow you to efficiently keep track of all aspects of your organization and make the process of running a non-profit smoother and more organized.

For additional assistance, please refer to our other non-technical resources or contact our support team.