Maximize Inventory Management with Empress's Serial Number Naming


Empress’s Serial Number Naming feature is a powerful tool to streamline your inventory management. Whether you’re dealing with high-value assets like machines or computers, or smaller items that require tracking, this feature enables you to assign unique identifiers to each unit of an item.


Serial Number Naming in Empress plays a pivotal role in tracking items’ warranty and expiry details, which is crucial from a business perspective. It provides a simple and efficient method to keep tabs on individual units, enhancing your inventory management capabilities. It’s particularly useful for businesses dealing with high-value assets or items that require warranty and expiry details tracking.

Assigning Serial Numbers to an Item

To assign serial numbers to an item in Empress:

  1. Visit the Item master.
  2. Check the Has Serial No box.

Once you’ve done this, you can generate serial numbers in two ways: for purchased items or for manufactured items.

Serializing Purchase Items

If you buy items that already have serial numbers assigned by their Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), you can use these same serial numbers in Empress.

Follow these steps to enter Serial Numbers for each item:

  1. While creating a Purchase Receipt, scan or manually enter these Serial Numbers for each item.
  2. On submitting the Purchase Receipt, Serial Numbers will be automatically created in Empress, as per the numbers provided for each item.

Note: If you choose to use the OEM’s Serial Number, leave the Prefix field in the Item master blank.

If the items you receive already have their Serial Numbers barcoded, you can simply scan these barcodes to enter the Serial Numbers in the Purchase Receipt.

Upon submission of the Purchase Receipt or Stock entry for the serialized item, Serial Numbers will be automatically generated.

Serializing Manufacturing Items

To serialize a manufactured item, you can define a Series for Serial Number generation in the Item master. The system will then create Serial Numbers for the item when its Production entry is made.

Here are the steps to define a Series for a serialized item:

  1. Set an item as serialized.
  2. Define a Series for it in the Item master.

When you submit a production entry for a manufactured item, the system will automatically generate Serial Numbers according to the Series specified in the Item master.


The Serial Number Naming feature in Empress offers a straightforward and efficient method to track individual units of an item, whether you’re purchasing or manufacturing them. It enhances your inventory management capabilities and makes the process of assigning and tracking Serial Numbers easy and seamless.

For further assistance, visit our additional non-technical resources or contact our support team.