Maximize Recruitment Efficiency with Empress's Interview Round


Welcome to this guide on how to use the Interview Round feature in Empress. This feature is designed to help you efficiently manage your company’s recruitment process.

Understanding the Interview Round Feature

In recruitment, interview rounds refer to the sequential stages of interviews a candidate undergoes. These could include technical interviews, HR interviews, and others, each designed to evaluate the candidate’s compatibility with the role.

The Interview Round feature in Empress allows you to define and organize these interview stages for efficient future use. This feature can be accessed via:

Home > Human Resources > Recruitment > Interview Round

How to Create an Interview Round

Follow the steps below to create a new Interview Round:

  1. From the Interview Round list, click on Add Interview Round.
  2. Provide a Round Name.
  3. Specify the Interview Type and, if you wish, the Expected Average Rating.
  4. Assign Interviewers - these individuals will provide feedback for the interviews conducted in this round.
  5. Optionally, specify a Designation to filter job applicants during the Interview creation.
  6. In the Expected Skillset section, click Skill and define the necessary skills for the role.
  7. Click Save to finalize the Interview Round.

Once you’ve saved your Interview Round, you can initiate new interviews right from your dashboard. The interviewers assigned to the round can then provide feedback for each interview conducted within this round.

Benefits of Using the Interview Round Feature

Utilizing the Interview Round feature in Empress offers a structured, organized approach to managing your recruitment process. By establishing and setting up interview rounds, you ensure that every candidate undergoes a consistent evaluation process, promoting a fair and objective assessment of each potential hire.

No matter the size of your business, using the Interview Round feature in Empress can significantly optimize your recruitment process, leading to more efficient hiring and superior talent acquisition.

For additional assistance, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team. We hope this feature enhances your recruiting operations and helps you build the best team for your business.