Maximizing Business Efficiency with Empress Event Streaming


Event Streaming in Empress is a robust feature that facilitates communication between two or more sites. This feature has a significant role in the business world, as it allows different Document Types to be shared or “streamed” between various sites. This is particularly beneficial when you have multiple companies hosted on different sites, with one being the main site for ledger posting while others generate Sales Invoices. Event Streaming ensures that all your sites are synchronized and up-to-date.

How to Access Event Streaming

To navigate to Event Streaming, follow this path:

Home > Automation > Event Streaming

Setting Up Event Streaming

Setting up Event Streaming involves a series of steps, including setting up an Event Subscriber, obtaining API keys, and creating an Event Producer. This process also involves approving the Event Consumer on the Event Producer site.

Event Subscriber Setup

An Event Subscriber is a user who has access to both sites involved in the Event Streaming process. This user should be a System Manager with the necessary permissions for creating, updating, and deleting the subscribed DocTypes.

API Keys

API keys are needed for the Event Subscriber on both the Consumer Site and the Producer Site. These keys are generated in the User document under the “API Access” section.

Event Producer Creation

The Event Producer is the site from which you want to receive updates. When creating an Event Producer document, you need to specify the URL of the site you want to subscribe to, the Document Types you want to subscribe to, and the Event Subscriber who will create the documents.

Event Consumer Approval

After creating the Event Producer, an Event Consumer document is automatically created on the Producer Site. The Document Types this consumer has subscribed to need to be approved before the Event Consumer can consume documents of these types.

Features of Event Streaming

Event Streaming has several useful features, including:

  • Unsubscribing from Updates: You can opt out of receiving updates for any DocTypes you had previously subscribed to.
  • Event Update Log: This log records every create, update, and delete action for documents that have consumers on the Event Producer site.
  • Event Sync Log: This log records every document synced from the Event Producer on the Event Consumer site.
  • Dependency Syncing: This feature handles the syncing of dependencies for Document Types.
  • Naming Configuration: This allows you to specify whether documents should have the same name on both Event Producer and Event Consumer sites.
  • Mapping Configuration: This feature enables you to stream documents between an Empress instance and another Frappe app.
  • Conditional Events Configuration: This allows you to specify conditions for which documents in a DocType should be sent to the consumer.

The Event Streaming feature in Empress is a significant tool for enhancing business processes. It allows seamless inter-site communication, ensuring that all your sites stay synchronized and updated. For further assistance, you can refer to the Empress user guide or contact the support team.