Maximizing Business Growth with Empress's Prospect Lead Feature

Welcome to this easy-to-understand guide on using the Prospect Lead Feature in Empress. This guide is tailored for business users, putting emphasis on the user interface and practical applications.


The Prospect Lead Feature is one of the core features in Empress. It provides a comprehensive system for managing leads in your business. In the business context, a lead refers to a potential customer who has shown interest in your products or services. The Prospect Lead feature allows you to record, track, and manage these potential customers, optimizing your customer acquisition process.

Understanding the Prospect Lead Feature

Here are the primary functions of this feature:

  1. Viewing Leads: The system displays a list of your leads, including their names, email addresses, mobile numbers, and statuses.

  2. Editing Leads: Although the feature comes with predefined fields, there is flexibility to make some changes to suit your business needs.

  3. Sorting Leads: You can sort your leads based on when they were last modified. This helps to prioritize your follow-ups.

  4. Tracking Changes: The feature allows you to track all changes made on a lead’s record. This ensures transparency in your operations.

How to Use the Prospect Lead Feature

  • To view your leads, simply navigate to the CRM module and select “Prospect Lead”. This will display a list of all your leads.

  • To edit a lead’s details, you will need to have the necessary permissions. If you do, you can click on a lead’s name to open their record and make changes. Remember to save your changes before exiting the page.

  • To sort your leads, use the “Sort” button at the top of the page. Leads can be sorted in ascending or descending order based on when they were last modified.

  • To track changes, you will need to enable the “Track Changes” option in your settings. Once this is done, a history of all changes made to a lead’s record will be available at the bottom of their page.

User Roles and Permissions

User roles and permissions in Empress are flexible and can be tailored to suit your business needs. However, typically, only users with the role of “Lead Manager” or “Sales Manager” have access to edit and manage leads.


The Prospect Lead Feature in Empress is a powerful tool for businesses. It simplifies lead management, enables transparency, and helps to optimize the customer acquisition process.

For more information on how to use Empress, refer to the user guide or reach out to the support team.