Maximizing Business Operations: Empress Domain Settings



In Empress, a key feature that provides flexibility and personalization according to your business needs is the Domain Settings, allowing you to determine which domains should be globally active.

This feature is incredibly useful when you want to streamline your user interface, removing functionalities or modules that are not relevant to your business operations. This guide will walk you through the process of configuring your active domains, ensuring you maximize the use of Empress for your organization.

Viewing and Editing Domain Settings

The Domain Settings page is where you can view and modify your active domains. Here’s how you can access it:

  1. From your home page, click on the Settings option.
  2. From the dropdown menu that appears, select Domain Settings.

Once you’re on the Domain Settings page, you’ll see a comprehensive list of all available domains. You have the freedom to enable or disable any domain according to your specific business requirements.

Understanding the Effects of Disabling a Domain

Disabling a domain has two primary consequences:

  1. The domain’s icon will disappear from the home page.
  2. Document types (also known as DocTypes) related to the domain will become inaccessible.

For example, if you decide to disable the Education domain, the DocTypes such as Student and others associated with the Education domain will no longer be accessible. This implies that you will not be able to create, view, or modify these DocTypes and their corresponding records.

Tailoring Empress to Your Business Needs

By effectively using the Domain Settings in Empress, you can personalize your interface to better match your organization’s operations. Regardless of your industry – be it education, manufacturing, healthcare, or any other field – Empress is dedicated to providing a platform that is both intuitive and adaptable to your specific business needs.

For further assistance or more detailed information, feel free to reach out to our support team or explore our additional resources. Remember, Empress is here to help streamline your business processes and enhance your productivity.