Maximizing Efficiency with Empress's Email-to-Documents Linking


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on how to optimize your business communication within Empress. Our focus in this guide is on the feature Linking Emails to Documents. This feature allows you to associate a single email with multiple documents, ensuring that your emails are well organized and easily traceable.

What is Linking Emails to Documents?

The ability to link emails to documents in Empress is a game changer for businesses. It enhances clarity and efficiency by ensuring that all relevant documentation connected to a specific email is readily accessible. This feature can be used in two ways:

  • Email Aggregation: This function is applicable to Contacts, Customers, and Suppliers. All emails sent or received from a Contact can be viewed in the Contact’s Timeline and the linked Customer’s or Supplier’s Timeline.

  • Automatic Email Linking: This function simplifies email tracking by linking an email to a document using a unique system-generated email address.

Let’s explore these two functions in more detail.

1. Email Aggregation for Customer and Supplier

  1. Start by selecting a Contact and adding links for the Customer or Supplier respectively.

  2. Once you’ve added the links, any emails sent to or received from the Contact associated with a Customer or Supplier will be linked to the Customer or Supplier mentioned in the Links section of the Contact.

This way, all your email communications related to a specific Contact, Customer, or Supplier are neatly aggregated and can be easily traced back when needed.

2. Automatic Email Linking to a Document

  1. Navigate to the Email Account section and enable the Automatic Email Linking feature. Note: This feature can only be used with one email account at a time.

  2. After enabling this feature, you will see a unique email ID. This ID is generated using the email ID specified in the Email Account section.

  3. You can now copy this unique email ID. When you send or receive emails using this unique email ID, and the unique ID is included in the Recipients, Cc, or Bcc section, the system will automatically link that email to the specified Document.

This Automatic Email Linking feature ensures that all your emails related to a specific document are grouped together, making it easy to track any communication related to that document.


The Linking Emails to Documents feature in Empress greatly enhances business communication and organization. By aggregating emails in relation to Contacts, Customers, Suppliers, or specific documents, you have a clear, concise, and efficient way of managing your email communications. This ensures a smoother workflow and increased effectiveness in your everyday operations.

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