Maximizing Efficiency with Empress's Instructor Feature


Understanding and managing the roles of your instructors is a critical part of any educational system. In Empress, this role is handled by the Instructor feature. This feature is designed to help you efficiently manage the tasks, courses, and responsibilities of each of your instructors.

Why is the Instructor Feature Important?

The Instructor feature in Empress is essentially your command center for managing and tracking the activities of your instructors. It allows you to view, sort, and track key information about your instructors in one place. This is vital for ensuring courses are properly allocated, instructors are effectively evaluated, and the overall educational process is optimized.

Accessing the Instructor Feature

To access the Instructor feature, simply navigate to:

Home > Education > Masters > Instructor

Let’s Get Started: Setting Up the Instructor Feature

Before you can fully utilize the Instructor feature, it’s recommended that you set up the following elements in Empress:

  1. Employee
  2. Department
  3. Academic Year
  4. Academic Term
  5. Program
  6. Course
  7. Student Group

Creating a New Instructor

Creating a new instructor in Empress is a breeze. Here’s how:

  1. Click on New Instructor.
  2. Select the Employee ID/Employee Name for the instructor.
  3. Choose the Department for which you are creating the instructor.
  4. Click Save.

Diving Deeper: Features of the Instructor Tool

Instructor Log

The Instructor Log is a detailed record of an instructor’s academic responsibilities. It includes:

  • Academic Year: The academic year for which the instructor is assigned.
  • Academic Term: The specific term for which the instructor is assigned.
  • Department: The department to which the instructor belongs.
  • Program: The academic program that the instructor is involved in.
  • Course: The specific course that the instructor is teaching.
  • Student Group: The group of students assigned to the instructor.
  • Other Details: Any other relevant information regarding the instructor’s role.

Post Submission Actions

After saving the Instructor and Instructor Log, you can create the following:

  1. Student Group
  2. Course Schedule
  3. Assessment Plan

Note: When creating an Assessment Plan from the Instructor page, you can choose whether the instructor should be assigned as a Supervisor or an Examiner for the Assessment plan.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, the Instructor feature in Empress is a powerful tool for managing and optimizing the roles of your instructors. By providing a comprehensive overview of each instructor’s responsibilities, it helps streamline the process of course allocation and instructor evaluation. It’s a critical feature that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your educational management system.

For additional support or resources, please refer to the Empress user manual or contact our support team.