Maximizing Efficiency with Empress's Prepared Reports Feature



In today’s data-driven business environment, generating large-scale reports, like a General Ledger (GL) report for an entire year, is often necessary for decision making. However, you may occasionally encounter the Request Timed Out error when the volume of data to be processed exceeds the server resources.

To address this issue, Empress introduces the Prepared Reports feature. This feature allows you to generate extensive reports through a background job, which significantly increases efficiency and reduces the likelihood of server timeouts. Once the report is ready, it becomes available for users to view, ensuring smooth and timely access to crucial data.

How to Set Up Prepared Reports

Setting up Prepared Reports is straightforward. Here’s how you can enable this feature:

  1. Navigate to Role Permission for Page and Report.
  2. In the ‘Set Role For’ field, select Report.
  3. In the ‘Report’ field, choose the report for which you want to enable the Prepared Report feature.
  4. Use the Disable Prepared Report checkbox to enable or disable the Prepared Report. If the box is checked, the Prepared Report feature will be disabled for the selected report.
  5. Click on Update to finalize your settings.

These steps will enable the Prepared Report feature for your selected report, ensuring efficient processing and availability of the report.

How to Use a Prepared Report

Once you’ve enabled the Prepared Report feature, using it is a breeze. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the designated report (for example, General Ledger) and apply all necessary filters.
  2. If the Prepared Report option is enabled for the report, you’ll see a Generate Report button. Click this button.
  3. A notification will appear at the bottom-right of your screen, indicating “Report initiated. You can track its status here”.
  4. You can either wait on the current screen or click on here in the message to open the report page. This action will open a new page for the report. Initially, the report page will display a “Queued” status. Once the report is ready, a Show Report button will appear, which you can click to view the report.
  5. Since a Prepared Report is also a doctype, you can view the list of Prepared Reports by using the Role Permission Manager to grant access.


With the Prepared Reports feature in Empress, handling large-scale reports becomes a seamless and efficient process. This feature not only prevents server timeouts but also enhances the user experience by providing a convenient way to access comprehensive reports. Remember, being able to access and interpret data promptly is key to making informed business decisions. So, leverage the Prepared Reports feature for smooth and efficient report generation.

For additional assistance or inquiries, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.