Maximizing Employee Feedback with Empress HR's Exit Interview Feature


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to utilize the Exit Interview feature in Empress HR. This feature is an essential tool for your business, enabling you to gather valuable feedback from employees who are leaving your organization. The insights gained from these exit interviews can help identify potential areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing your employee experience and business operations.

Introduction to the Exit Interview Feature

The Exit Interview feature in Empress HR is designed to streamline the process of gathering employee feedback upon their departure from your organization. It allows you to schedule interviews, record interview summaries, and even send out customized exit questionnaires.

How to Access the Exit Interview Feature

To access the Exit Interview feature in Empress HR, follow the navigation path below:

  • Human Resources > Employee Exit > Exit Interview

Preparing for an Exit Interview

Before you can initiate an Exit Interview, certain prerequisites must be met:

  • An Employee profile must be created
  • The relevant Department must be defined
  • The employee’s Designation must be specified

You should also have set a Relieving Date in the Employee master, indicating when the employee will be leaving the organization.

How to Create an Exit Interview

Creating an Exit Interview is a simple process:

  1. Navigate to: Exit Interview > New.
  2. Select the Employee. The corresponding Employee information will automatically populate.
  3. The status will be ‘Pending’ by default.
  4. Schedule the Interview and change the status to ‘Scheduled’.
  5. Record the Interview Summary during the Interview.
  6. After completion, change the status to ‘Completed’ and record the Final Decision (Employee Retained / Exit Confirmed).
  7. Click ‘Submit’. This will update the Exit Interview Date in the Employee master.

How to Send an Exit Questionnaire

You can also send an exit questionnaire to departing employees to gather further feedback:

  1. Create your custom Questionnaire as a Custom DocType.
  2. Create a Web Form for the questionnaire.
  3. Link the Web Form in HR Settings. A default email template is provided by Empress HR.
  4. In the Exit Interview document, click Send Exit Questionnaire. This sends an email to the Employee with a link to the web form.
  5. Once the Employee fills out the questionnaire, you can link it to the Exit Interview document.
  6. To send Exit Questionnaires in bulk, select the employees from the Exit Interview list view and click on Actions > Send Exit Questionnaire.

By following these steps, you can efficiently gather valuable feedback from departing employees, helping you to continuously improve and enhance your business operations.

For more information or support, please visit the Empress HR support page.