Maximizing Employee Growth with Empress Skill Map


Welcome to the Empress guide on how to utilize the Employee Skill Map feature. This tool is an integral part of the Empress system, designed to help your business track and manage the skill sets and training progress of each employee.

Introduction: The Significance of the Employee Skill Map

From a business perspective, the Employee Skill Map provides an organized and intuitive way to monitor the growth and proficiency of your employees. It’s a powerful tool to streamline your performance appraisals, identify areas for improvement, and plan targeted training programs.

Primary Functions and Benefits

The Employee Skill Map allows you to:

  • View each employee’s skills and proficiency levels.
  • Edit and update these levels as employees undergo training and develop their abilities.
  • Sort and track information based on various parameters, such as designation or proficiency levels.
  • Schedule trainings based on the identified needs of each employee.

By doing so, you can continually enhance the skills and knowledge of your team members, contributing to their career growth and the overall success of your organization.

How to Use the Employee Skill Map

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create and utilize an Employee Skill Map:

  1. Navigate to Home > Human Resource > Employee Lifecycle > Employee Skill Map in your Empress system.
  2. Click on New to create a new Employee Skill Map.
  3. Select the Employee for whom you’re creating the map.
  4. The system will automatically populate relevant skills based on the employee’s designation. You can then set the Proficiency Level (on a scale of 1-5) and the Evaluation Date.
  5. If the employee needs improvement in any particular skill, schedule specific trainings under the Trainings table. Select the Training Event and set the Training Date.
  6. Click Save to finalize the skill map.

User Roles and Permissions

Access to the Employee Skill Map is typically granted to Human Resources or management roles. These users can view, edit, or create new Employee Skill Maps as necessary.


With the Employee Skill Map feature, Empress provides a comprehensive platform to actively manage employee development. It’s a proactive approach to ensuring your team members are always growing and contributing their best to your business.

To learn more about how to maximize the benefits of your Empress system, visit our user-friendly Knowledge Base or reach out to our Support Team.