Maximizing Empress Field Types for Business Enhancement


In Empress, a variety of field types can be defined to customize your data forms and enhance your business processes. Understanding these field types is crucial to leveraging Empress in your operations. Let’s explore these field types and how they can be utilized in your everyday business operations.

Understanding Field Types


A Link field connects to another master from where it fetches data. For instance, in a Quotation form, you could have a Customer field that links to your customer master data.

Dynamic Link

A Dynamic Link field can search and hold the value of any document or document type. This provides greater flexibility as it isn’t tied to a specific master.


A Check field allows you to include a checkbox in your form. This is useful for binary (Yes/No) data.


A Select field creates a drop-down menu. You can add multiple options in this field, providing a list of choices for the user.


A Table field renders another document type within the current form. For example, in a Sales Order form, you could have an Item Table field that links to Sales Order Item document type.


An Attach field allows you to attach a file from your File Manager.

Attach Image

An Attach Image field lets you attach images in formats like jpeg, png, etc. This can be used to visually represent the document type, such as an image of a product in an Item document type.

Text Editor

A Text Editor field is a text field with formatting options. This is commonly used for defining terms and conditions.

Date and Date and Time

Date and Date and Time fields enable you to enter dates and times, respectively.


A Barcode field allows you to enter a barcode number. Once you do this, the barcode is automatically generated against the number.


A Button field creates an action button, like Save or Submit.


A Code field lets you enter code into the field.


A Color field allows you to specify a color for a form.

Column Break

A Column Break field lets you divide your form into a maximum of two columns.


A Currency field holds numeric values, like item price or amount, up to six decimal places. You can also display a currency symbol for this field.


A Data field is a simple text field that allows you to enter a value of up to 140 characters.


A Float field holds a numeric value up to nine decimal places.


A Geolocation field stores GeoJSON feature collections. This is useful for storing polygons, lines, and points.


An HTML field allows you to enter data in HTML format.


An Image field renders an image file selected in another attach field.

Int (Integer)

An Int (Integer) field holds a numeric value without a decimal place.

Small Text, Long Text, and Text

Small Text, Long Text, and Text fields allow you to add text in the field with varying character limits.

Markdown Editor

A Markdown Editor field lets you add text in Markup language.


A Password field holds a decoded value.


A Percent field calculates a value as a percentage.


A Rating field calculates a value as a rating.

Read Only

A Read Only field holds data fetched from another form that is non-editable.

Section Break

A Section Break is used to divide the form into multiple sections.


A Signature field allows you to add a digital signature.

Table MultiSelect

A Table MultiSelect field is a combination of ‘Link’ and ‘Table’ types. In one field, multiple values can be selected.


A Time field lets you define a time.


A Duration field lets you define a timespan.


Understanding and using these field types effectively can greatly enhance your business processes by providing flexibility and customization in your Empress data forms. For additional support or resources, please visit the Empress Help Center or reach out to our customer support team.