Maximizing Inventory Management with Empress' Stock Ledger


Welcome to this guide on the Stock Ledger feature in Empress, a powerful tool that offers you a comprehensive snapshot of all inventory transactions. As a business user, tracking your inventory is crucial to your operations, and the Stock Ledger is designed to streamline this process, providing an overview of changes in quantity, value, and valuation rate across various inventory transactions.

Understanding the Stock Ledger

The Stock Ledger provides a detailed report of all the inventory-related activities recorded in your Empress system. This includes transactions like shipments, stock transfers, and more. By offering insights into these transactions, the Stock Ledger becomes a valuable resource for managing your inventory, helping you make informed decisions.

Customizing Your Stock Ledger

The Stock Ledger allows you to fine-tune the report to match your specific needs. You can apply various filters to refine the entries’ display, making it easier to view, sort, and track information relevant to you. Here’s how:

Select a Transaction Type

The Transaction Type Filter (also known as ‘Ref Type’) helps you view entries related to a specific transaction type. For instance, if you’re only interested in shipment transactions, set the Ref Type to ‘Shipment’, and the report will update to show only these entries.

Choose a Specific Transaction Entry

The Transaction Entry Name Filter (‘Ref Name’) shows all ledger entries originating from a single transaction. To use this filter, you first need to set the Ref Type.

Filter by Item

The Item Filter lets you select a specific item, and the report will then only show entries involving that item.

Filter by Location

The Location Filter allows you to view entries related to a specific location - handy if you operate from multiple locations.

Set a Date Range

The Date Filters (‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’) enable you to set a specific date range for the report. This way, you can view all entries recorded within that timeframe.

Group Entries

The Group By Filter helps you group entries according to the selected option. For example, setting ‘Group By’ to ‘Reference’ will group entries by the name of the transaction entry.

Sort Entries

The default setting displays entries in descending order, with the newest entry at the top. However, by using the Sorting Order feature and checking the ‘Ascending Order’ box, you can reorder the entries from the earliest to the latest.


By understanding and utilizing these filters, you can tailor the Stock Ledger to better serve your business needs, providing an efficient and effective way of managing your inventory. For more information or support, visit our non-technical resources or contact our support team.