Maximizing Productivity with Empress Manufacturing Dashboard


Welcome to our guide on the Manufacturing Dashboard in Empress. This powerful feature allows business users to gain a comprehensive overview of all manufacturing operations, track progress, and make informed decisions.

Introduction to the Manufacturing Dashboard

The Manufacturing Dashboard offers a visual representation of key manufacturing metrics, providing a snapshot of your operations. It’s your go-to place for monitoring work orders, job cards, quality inspections, and much more.

From a business perspective, this tool is invaluable. It offers insights into productivity, identifies potential bottlenecks, and helps you track the efficiency of your manufacturing process – all from one easy-to-navigate dashboard.

Accessing the Manufacturing Dashboard

To get started, navigate to the Manufacturing Dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Click on Home
  2. Select Customization
  3. Choose Dashboard
  4. Click on Manufacturing

Understanding the Number Cards

On the Manufacturing Dashboard, you’ll notice several Number Cards. Each card displays a specific set of data:

  1. Monthly Total Work Order: Shows the total count of open, in-progress, and completed work orders from the past month.
  2. Monthly Completed Work Order: Displays the total count of work orders completed in the past month.
  3. Ongoing Job Card: Indicates the total count of job cards that are not yet completed.
  4. Monthly Quality Inspection: Reveals the total count of quality inspection records in the ‘Submitted’ state from the previous month.

Navigating Dashboard Charts

The Manufacturing Dashboard also includes customizable Dashboard Charts that offer visual data representations:

Produced Quantity

This chart reveals the total quantity produced over the past year, broken down quarterly. You can adjust the view to daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly data.

Completed Operation

This chart shows the total number of completed operations over the past year, broken down quarterly. Like the Produced Quantity chart, you can adjust the view.

Work Order Analysis

A donut chart displaying the number of work orders based on their status: Not Started, In Process, Stopped, or Completed. The data is based on the previous year’s work orders.

Quality Inspection Analysis

Another donut chart, this time showing the number of quality inspections based on Accepted and Rejected status. This data is also based on the previous year’s records.

Pending Work Orders

This chart provides information about the number of pending work orders, based on the number of days they’ve been aging.

Last Month Downtime Analysis

This chart displays the total number of minutes a machine was not working in the last month, providing valuable insight into potential maintenance needs.

Work Order Quantity Analysis

This chart shows the total number of Pending and Completed quantities, based on monthly work orders from the previous year.

Job Card Analysis

This chart provides information about the total number of Job Cards in the Pending and Completed states, every month for the previous year.

Conclusion: The Power of the Manufacturing Dashboard

In summary, the Manufacturing Dashboard in Empress is a potent tool for business users. It offers a comprehensive, user-friendly overview of your manufacturing operations, aiding in informed decision-making and promoting efficiency and productivity. For further assistance, explore our additional resources or connect with our support team.