Maximizing Quality Management with Empress' Quality Module


To fully understand the power of the Quality module, let’s run through how to access and use each of its features:

Accessing the Quality Module

  1. Log into your Empress account.
  2. On the dashboard, locate and click on the Quality tab. You will be directed to the Quality module.

Setting Quality Goals

  1. Within the Quality module, select the Quality Goals option.
  2. Click on Add New Goal to create a new quality objective.
  3. Fill in the required details, including the goal name, description, and target completion date.
  4. Click Save to store your new quality goal.

Managing Quality Processes

  1. Select the Quality Processes option in the Quality module.
  2. To add a new process, click on Add New Process.
  3. Provide the necessary details, such as process name, process owner, and description.
  4. Click Save to record the new process.

Conducting Quality Reviews

  1. In the Quality module, choose the Quality Reviews option.
  2. Click on Add New Review to initiate a new quality review.
  3. Fill in the necessary details about the review, such as review date, reviewer, and review notes.
  4. Click Save to store the review details.

Managing Non-Conformances

  1. Select the Non-Conformances option in the Quality module.
  2. Click on Add New Non-Conformance to report a deviation from quality standards.
  3. Provide the requisite details, such as non-conformance description, responsible party, and corrective action.
  4. Click Save to record the non-conformance.

Initiating Actions

  1. In the Quality module, choose the Actions option.
  2. Click on Add New Action to initiate a new action.
  3. Fill in the necessary details, including action description, responsible party, and due date.
  4. Click Save to store the action details.

Organizing Meetings

  1. Select the Meetings option in the Quality module.
  2. Click on Schedule New Meeting to plan a new meeting.
  3. Provide the necessary details, such as meeting time, participants, and agenda.
  4. Click Save to schedule the meeting.


The Empress Quality module is a versatile tool that facilitates the effective management of your Quality Management System. It not only enhances your ability to maintain high standards in your operations but also promotes a culture of continuous improvement. By leveraging the power of the Quality module, you can ensure that your offerings consistently meet and exceed the expectations of your customers, thereby driving business growth and success.

For further assistance with the Quality module or any other feature in Empress, please visit our Support Center or contact our customer support team.