Maximizing Reporting Accuracy by Preventing Empress Duplicates



In the world of business, accurate reporting is crucial. It provides a clear snapshot of your transactions, allowing you to make informed decisions. However, you may sometimes encounter a puzzling situation where a single document, like an invoice, appears multiple times in your Empress report. This guide will explain why this happens and how to prevent it.

What’s Causing the Problem?

The core issue here lies within the feature known as Child Tables. These are unique sets of information within Empress, used to store multiple data entries related to the main document - which we call the Parent Table.

For example, in a Purchase Invoice (Parent Table), you may have several items or taxes (Child Tables) associated with it. If you choose to include any of these Child Table fields in your report, Empress will list the Parent Table entry as many times as there are Child Table entries.

So, if a single invoice has two items listed in it, selecting the ‘Item’ field (from the Child Table) will result in the invoice appearing twice in your report.

How to Verify and Solve This

Follow these steps to verify and solve the issue:

  1. View your report: Open your report and scroll to the far-right. If you see the same invoice listed with different Child Table entries, then you’ve found the source of the duplication.

  2. Edit your report: To avoid such duplications, you need to select fields from the Parent Table instead of the Child Table when setting up your report. This way, each invoice will only appear once, regardless of how many items or taxes it has associated with it.

User Roles and Permissions

Remember, your ability to view, edit, and sort information in Empress depends on your user role and permissions. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to tweak the reporting settings. If you don’t, kindly contact your system administrator for assistance.


Understanding how Child and Parent Tables work in Empress will help you create more accurate reports, tailored to your business needs. Remember to select fields from the Parent Table when you want to avoid multiple listings of the same document. With this knowledge, you can leverage Empress to its full potential, enhancing your business operations.

For further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Empress support team or consult our user-friendly resources available online.