Maximizing Sales Growth with Empress' Opportunities Feature

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to use the “Opportunities” feature in Empress. This guide is designed to give business users a clear understanding of the feature’s functionality, its significance in Empress, and how it can enhance business operations.

Introduction to Opportunities

In Empress, the Opportunities feature is an essential tool for managing potential sales deals. It allows you to organize, track, and manage sales opportunities from inception to closure. The Opportunities feature is crucial for businesses as it helps in forecasting sales, managing customer interactions, and driving sales growth.

Opportunities Feature Overview

The Opportunities feature provides a comprehensive platform to:

  1. Create and manage sales opportunities with vital information like Opportunity From, Party Name, Opportunity Type, Sales Stage, Probability, and Opportunity Amount.
  2. Define the Opportunity Owner and set Expected Closing Date for each opportunity.
  3. Add and track items related to the opportunity in the Items section.
  4. Manage contact and address details of the customer or lead.
  5. Record additional information like source of the opportunity, campaign details, and more in the More Information section.
  6. Track all activities, notes, and connections related to the opportunity.

Using the Opportunities Feature

Viewing Opportunities

To view your opportunities, navigate to the Opportunities section in Empress. Here, you’ll see a list of all your current opportunities. You can sort this list based on various parameters like status, transaction date, party name, opportunity type, territory, and company.

Creating & Editing Opportunities

To create a new opportunity:

  1. Click on the “New” button in the Opportunities section.
  2. Fill in the necessary details like opportunity from, party name, opportunity type, sales stage, probability, and opportunity amount.
  3. Assign an opportunity owner and set an expected closing date.
  4. Add items related to the opportunity in the Items section.
  5. Fill in the contact and address details of the customer or lead.
  6. Record additional information in the More Information section.
  7. Click “Save” to create the opportunity.

To edit an existing opportunity, simply click on it from the list, make your changes, and click “Save”.

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, user roles and permissions can be set to control access to the Opportunities feature. Users with the “Sales User” role can create, delete, email, print, read, report, share, and write opportunities. Those with the “Sales Manager” role have the added ability to export and import opportunities.


The Opportunities feature in Empress is a powerful tool for managing potential sales deals, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. By effectively using this feature, businesses can better manage their sales process, improve customer interactions, and ultimately drive sales growth.

For more information or support with Empress, please refer to our additional resources or contact our support team.