Maximizing Student Progress with Empress Student Log


Welcome to this guide on how to use the Student Log feature in Empress. It’s designed to help you manage student records more effectively, providing a comprehensive platform for logging academic progress, behavior, medical updates, and achievements.

By using the Student Log, you can maintain a detailed diary for each student, ideal for better understanding your students’ needs and accomplishments. This feature is crucial for educators and administrators who need to keep track of their students’ performance and wellbeing.

Accessing the Student Log

You can access the Student Log by following this path:

Home > Education > Student > Student Log

Preparing to Create a Student Log

Before you can create a Student Log, you’ll need to have the following information handy:

  • Student ID
  • Academic Year
  • Academic Term
  • Program
  • Student Batch

Creating a New Student Log

Here’s how you can create a new Student Log:

  1. Navigate to the Student Log List and click on ‘New.’
  2. Enter the Student ID. Once you do this, the system will automatically fill in the student’s name.
  3. Click ‘Save.’

Customizing Your Student Log

When creating a Student Log entry, you have several additional fields to personalize the entry:

  • Type: This field lets you define the type of the log entry. Your options include General, Academic, Medical, or Achievement. Here’s how you might use each type:
    • General: Use this for general observations such as notable behavior or incidents during the day.
    • Academic: Use this to note academic performance, whether excellent or poor.
    • Medical: Use this to record any health-related concerns or observations.
    • Achievement: Use this to highlight significant accomplishments, whether in academics, sports, or other areas.
  • Date: This field lets you record the date of the log entry.
  • Academic Year: Here, select the academic year the log entry relates to.
  • Academic Term: Use this field to select the relevant academic term.
  • Program: Select the program that the student is currently enrolled in.
  • Student Batch: Use this field to specify the batch the student belongs to.
  • Log: Here, write a detailed note or observation about the student.

In conclusion, the Empress Student Log feature is a robust tool for educators and administrators, providing a comprehensive platform to document and track various aspects of a student’s school life. By taking advantage of this feature, schools can better understand and support their students, leading to improved educational outcomes. For additional information or support, please visit the Empress support page or contact our customer service team.