Maximizing Team Performance with Empress Energy Points System


Welcome to our guide on the Energy Points System, a powerful feature in Empress that enables you to track and measure your team’s performance within your organization. This user-friendly system is designed to motivate and reward users for their contributions.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up, implementing, and using this system to your advantage.

Introduction to the Energy Points System

The Energy Points System is a performance tracking tool that allows you to establish a rating or karma system within your organization. It rewards users with points for their activities, creating a competitive and motivating work environment.

Activating the Energy Points System is straightforward. You simply need to navigate to Energy Point Settings and select Enabled.

Understanding Energy Point Rules

To make the Energy Points System work for your business, you’ll need to create Energy Point Rules. These rules define how users can earn energy points based on their activities.

Here’s a quick overview of the components that make up an Energy Point Rule:

  • Reference DocType: The type of document the rule applies to, such as Task, ToDo, Issue, etc.
  • For Document Event: You can select Save, Submit, Cancel, or Custom. If you choose “Custom,” you must also fill in the “Conditions” field.
  • Points: The number of points to be allocated for the activity.
  • Allot Points To Assigned Users: If selected, users assigned to the reference document will earn points.
  • User Field: The field from which the user will be selected. Examples include Resolved By, Modified By, Owner.
  • Multiplier Field: This field stores the value for the multiplier. It accepts numeric and decimal values that are multiplied by the points defined in the rule.
  • Condition: The condition for point allocation.
  • Apply Only Once: If selected, the rule is applied only once per document.

Remember, the User Field and Multiplier Field relate to the reference doctype.

Setting Up Energy Point Rules

Setting up your Energy Point Rule is easy. Just search for Energy Point Rule and create a new rule.

For instance, you might want to reward users with 10 points for closing an issue. Or, you could allocate points for completing a task.

Exciting Features of the Energy Points System

Automatic Point Allocation

The Energy Points System automatically allocates points to users based on the rules you’ve created. This means that when a user completes an activity that’s tracked by the system, they automatically earn points.

Review System

The Energy Points System also incorporates a review system. This enables you to “Appreciate” or “Criticize” a user’s work. To use this feature, users must have review points, which can be assigned by the System Manager via Energy Point Settings.


The Energy Points System includes a leaderboard, which displays each user’s standing within the organization. This can be accessed via Social Home > Leaderboard in the side navigation bar.

In conclusion, the Empress Energy Points System provides an engaging and structured way to track performance and motivate your team. It’s a powerful tool that can help enhance productivity and teamwork within your organization. For any further assistance, please refer to our additional non-technical resources or support.