Maximizing the Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart in Empress

Welcome to this easy-to-understand guide on how to use the Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart in Empress. This feature is a powerful tool for business users, especially those involved in manufacturing or production. It helps you measure and visualize the quantity of items produced over a specific period.

Understanding the Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart

The Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart gives you a graphical representation of the quantity of items your business has produced. It’s based on the data from your Work Orders and is measured over time, usually monthly. This feature is extremely beneficial in monitoring production trends, identifying peak production periods, and planning for future production needs.

Using the Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart

Viewing the Chart

To view the Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart, navigate to the Manufacturing Module. Under this module, you’ll find the Dashboard. The Produced Quantity Chart should be available there if it’s set to public view.

Editing the Chart

To edit this chart, you’ll need administrator permissions. If you have these permissions, you can change the chart type, time interval, and timespan. The chart type can be changed to suit your preference - Line, Bar, Percentage, etc. The time interval can be adjusted to daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and the timespan can be set to a specific period, such as ‘Last Year’, ‘Last Quarter’, etc.

Tracking Information

The Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart allows you to track your production quantity over time. This is done by counting the number of Work Orders completed (where “docstatus” equals 1) over the specified period.

User Roles and Permissions

The user roles and permissions relevant to this feature are primarily the Administrator role. An Administrator has the ability to view, edit, and make the chart public. However, other users can view the chart if it’s set to public view.


In conclusion, the Produced Quantity Dashboard Chart is an essential tool for any business involved in production or manufacturing. It not only helps in tracking production quantity but also in identifying production trends and planning for future production needs.

For additional non-technical resources or support, please refer to the Empress User Manual or reach out to our customer support team.