Maximizing Warehouse Efficiency with Empress Putaway Rule


Welcome to the Empress guide on the Putaway Rule. This feature is a powerful tool in warehouse management, helping you to streamline the stocking process by automatically assigning incoming items to specific warehouses. It is designed to boost efficiency and optimize space utilization in your warehouse operations.

What is the Putaway Rule?

The Putaway Rule is a strategy that determines how and where the incoming stock is stored in your warehouses. The rule takes into account the priority and capacity of each warehouse, thereby ensuring an organized and efficient storage system. The Putaway Rule is automatically applied during Purchase Receipts and Stock Entries (Material Receipt & Material Transfer).

Accessing the Putaway Rule

To find and use the Putaway Rule feature, follow this path:

Home > Stock > Stock Transactions > Putaway Rule

Creating a Putaway Rule

Before you begin, make sure that you have created a Stock Item and a Warehouse. Once these are set up, follow these steps to create a Putaway Rule:

  1. Go to the Putaway Rule list and click on New.
  2. Choose the Company and select an Item.
  3. Pick the Warehouse the rule will apply to.
  4. Define the Capacity of the warehouse. You can choose a Unit of Measure (UOM) if you want to set the Capacity in a different UOM. The Capacity in Stock UOM will be set automatically.
  5. Set the Priority of the warehouse, with 1 being the highest priority.
  6. Click Save.
  7. You can disable a Putaway Rule if necessary.

Putaway Strategy

The Putaway strategy revolves around two key factors: Capacity and Priority. Warehouses are automatically assigned until they reach full capacity. The system first considers priority, followed by free space. If two rules have the same priority, the rule with more free space will be chosen. If all warehouses are at full capacity, Empress will send you a notification.

How Does Putaway Rule Work?

The Putaway Rules are applied in Purchase Receipts and Stock Entries (Material Receipt & Material Transfer). There is a checkbox labelled Apply Putaway Rule which, when checked, allocates items to Warehouses based on the Putaway Rules. The rules are applied when this checkbox is checked and are re-applied on save if this checkbox is enabled.

Warehouse Capacity Summary

The Warehouse Capacity Summary report displays Warehouse capacities and their respective stock levels. Only Warehouses with Putaway Rules will be listed here. You can edit the Putaway Rule capacity using the Edit Capacity button.

Types of Putaway Applications

The Putaway Rule can be applied in two ways:

Direct Putaway

This refers to the process where incoming stock is directly assigned to specific Warehouses based on the Putaway Rule. This can be executed via a Purchase Receipt.

Indirect (Combined) Putaway

This happens when stock is first received into temporary or staging Warehouses, then transferred to appropriate locations within the Warehouse. To simulate this within Empress, create a Purchase Receipt into the temporary Warehouse, without applying the Putaway Rule. Then, execute a Stock Entry (Material Transfer) where Putaway Rules can be applied.

In conclusion, the Putaway Rule feature is a valuable tool for businesses to manage their warehouse operations efficiently. It simplifies the process of storing incoming stock and optimizes warehouse space utilization. For further assistance or more resources, please refer to our Empress support and documentation.