Monitoring and Managing Updates in Your Empress Apps


Empower your business to stay ahead of the curve with the latest updates on your Empress Apps. Keeping your applications updated is not just about accessing the latest features; it is also about ensuring optimal performance and security. Empress provides a user-friendly interface to manage and monitor these updates. Let’s walk you through the process.

Accessing Updates

When there is an available update for any of your installed apps, Empress will notify you with a banner on your dashboard. To view these updates, simply click on the Show Updates button on the banner. This will open a dialog box where you can see all the available app updates.

Selective App Updates

One of the great features Empress offers is the ability to selectively choose which apps to update. This means you can decide to update only specific apps and leave others as they are. To do this, simply deselect the apps you do not want to update in the dialog box. After making your selections, click on the Deploy button to start the update process for the selected apps.

Monitoring Deployment

Transparency is key in business, and Empress provides just that. Once you have initiated the update process, you can monitor its progress in the Deploys tab on your dashboard. This allows you to keep track of the update status and stay informed throughout the process.

User Roles and Permissions

It’s important to note that the ability to manage and monitor app updates may depend on your user role and permissions within your organization. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to perform these tasks, or consult with your system administrator if you encounter any issues.

Important Note

Please remember, if you want to update the Empress software itself, you cannot deselect the Empress Framework during the update process. This is because the Empress Framework is integral to the functioning of the Empress software and needs to be updated concurrently. By keeping the Framework updated, you ensure optimal performance and access to the latest features of the Empress software.


Updating apps on Empress is a simple, transparent, and effective process. It allows you to maintain control over your app versions, ensuring that your business operations run smoothly and securely with the latest features and optimal performance. For additional resources or support, please visit the Empress help center or contact our support team.