Optimizing Business Operations with Empress Asset Repair


Welcome to the user-friendly guide on Asset Repair in Empress, a crucial feature designed to help you manage and track the repair and maintenance of your business assets. This guide will take you through how to create, edit, and manage Asset Repair records.

Introduction: What is Asset Repair?

In a business, assets are vital components that drive operations. However, these assets may sometimes malfunction or require repair. Keeping track of these repairs is crucial, and that’s where the Asset Repair feature comes in.

With Asset Repair, you can log any repair activities carried out on your assets, from the cost of repair to the status of the repair. This allows you to have a streamlined overview of your asset health, making asset management easier and more efficient.

Getting Started: Navigating to Asset Repair

To access this feature, follow this navigation path:

Home > Assets > Maintenance > Asset Repair

Before you dive in, ensure you have already created an Asset in Empress.

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating an Asset Repair

Ready to log a repair? Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Repair list and click on New.
  2. Select the Asset that requires repair.
  3. Choose the date the failure occurred.
  4. Enter the cost of repair.
  5. Click on Save.
  6. Update the Repair Status from ‘Pending’ to either ‘Completed’ or ‘Canceled’.
  7. If the Repair Cost is greater than zero, select an associated Purchase Invoice.
  8. Lastly, click on Save and Submit.

Note: You can also create an Asset Repair record directly from the Asset record. Simply open the Asset record, click on the Repair Asset button under Manage, and then follow steps 3-8 above.

Exploring Additional Options

When creating an Asset Repair, you have several additional options:

  • Capitalize Repair Cost: Checking this box adds the Repair Cost to the Asset’s total value. This may extend the Asset’s lifespan.
  • Increase In Asset Life (Months): If the repair could extend the Asset’s life, input the number of months here. This will tweak the Asset’s Depreciation Schedule. This field is only visible when Capitalize Repair Cost is checked.
  • Stock Consumed During Repair: Check this box if you want to record all Stock Items used during the repair.
  • Warehouse: If Stock Consumed During Repair is checked, enter the Warehouse from where the Stock Items were taken.
  • Stock Items: Input the Stock Items used during the repair. This will create a Stock Entry record of type Material Issue, decreasing their quantity in stock.
  • Error Description: Provide a detailed description of the problem.
  • Actions Performed: Note the sequence of actions performed to carry out the repair.

Understanding Key Features

Accounting Dimensions

Accounting Dimensions allow you to tag transactions based on specific criteria, such as Territory, Branch, or Customer. This helps in viewing accounting statements separately based on the selected dimension(s).

Purchase Invoice

You can link a Purchase Invoice with the Asset Repair to account for any items that need to be purchased for the repair or for the repair service offered.

Total Repair Cost

If Stock Consumed During Repair is checked, the Total Repair Cost will be calculated based on the value of the consumed Stock Items and the entered Repair Cost.


The Asset Repair feature in Empress provides a robust and efficient way to manage and track your asset repairs. It’s an essential tool for maintaining a healthy asset lifecycle, allowing for streamlined operations and informed decision-making.

For additional help or resources, navigate to our support page or reach out to our dedicated customer support team. Happy asset managing!