Optimizing Business Operations with Empress Server Resizing


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on how to resize your server in Empress by changing your server plan. This feature is an efficient way to optimize your resources, allowing you to tailor your application and database servers to your unique business needs.

Understanding the Significance of the Resize Feature

Every business has its own unique needs, and Empress understands that. That’s why we have the Resize Feature in place. This feature allows you to change your server plan, which in turn, lets you adjust the power, storage, and capabilities of your servers. This resizing can be done independently for both your application and database servers.

By allowing you to customize your resource allocation, the Resize Feature ensures that your Empress system operates at its peak efficiency, making it an essential tool for managing your business operations.

Guidelines for Changing Your Server Plan

Before you start, it’s crucial to note that changing your server plan will result in a brief downtime. This is necessary for the changes to be implemented and usually lasts about 5 minutes.

To change your server plan, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to the Server Overview tab. Here you can see a comprehensive view of your current server settings and configurations.

  2. Find the Plan card. This shows your current server plan and all the details that come with it.

  3. Click on the Change Plan button.

  4. A new window will pop up where you can select your desired plan. Browse through the options and pick the plan that best meets your business requirements.

  5. After selecting your new plan, click the Submit button to finalize your changes. The system will then start the process of resizing your server according to your new plan.

Bear in mind that your server’s performance and capabilities are directly linked to your chosen plan. Therefore, it’s essential to pick a plan that matches your usage requirements and workload demands. This ensures your Empress system performs optimally and supports your business operations smoothly.


The Resize Feature is a powerful tool in Empress that lets you tailor your server resources to your specific business needs. By optimizing your server plan, you can boost the efficiency of your operations and get the most out of your Empress system.

For additional support or resources, please visit our help center or contact our support team. We’re always ready to help you make the most of Empress for your business.