Optimizing Empress Plan Selection Using Analytics Tool


Choosing the right plan for your Empress application and database server is a crucial decision for your business. But don’t worry! In this guide, we will guide you through the process of selecting the optimal plan for your needs by using the Analytics tool, a handy feature in the Empress Cloud Servers Dashboard.

Introduction: The Empress Plan Selection Process

Selecting the correct Empress plan might seem challenging initially. This is common as the server workload becomes clear only once you start using your sites. Luckily, Empress offers you the flexibility to change your plan as your business needs evolve.

The Analytics tab on your Empress Cloud Servers dashboard will be your most effective tool during this process. It provides a range of charts that offer valuable insights into your server workload, helping you choose the best plan for your needs.

Understanding CPU Usage

The first chart you will encounter is the CPU Usage chart. This chart shows how much CPU time is being consumed by the processes on your server.

You will notice two key terms on this chart: Idle and iowait.

  • Idle refers to periods when there are no processes using the CPU on your server. This status will decrease as CPU usage increases, such as when requests are made to your sites or background tasks are run.

  • iowait refers to times when processes are waiting for disk operations to complete on your server. This can happen when reading or writing a large file, or when loading a table from the database into memory.

When it comes to your database server, spikes in iowait typically suggest you may need to upgrade to a plan with more memory. More memory allows your database to mainly reside in RAM, speeding up all database operations since memory is faster than disk.

Conclusion: Selecting Your Empress Plan

Understanding your server’s workload and adjusting your Empress plan accordingly ensures optimal performance for your application and database server. As your business grows and evolves, remember you can always reevaluate and change your plan to better suit your needs.

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